Chapter 22

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"What?" I asked, slightly confused about what Hunter said. However, panic still rose in my heart over the treason I unknowingly committed.

"You were there. At the raid. You were that wolf." He said to me darkly, but his mind was elsewhere, like he was trapped inside his head.

"Hunter... you're not making any sense." I said hesitantly, but had an knowing suspicion that I knew what he was talking about.

Hunter then glared at my necklace like it was the cause of all his problems. Faster then I could react he reached out and ripped the pendent away and accusingly held it in front of me. I lunged to snatch it back but he expertly reeled in as if he was teasing a dog with a chunk of meat. I threw him daggers through my eyes; my gaze could kill.

"You were there the night of the Timber pack raid," he snarled "you were the one that did this! Weren't you?" Hunter nearly tore off his entire shirt by pulling his collar down over his shoulder. On his shoulder three wobbly raised lines started from the back of his shoulder to the front, stood out against his tan skin. They were completely healed and looked older, faded to a white.

I knew exactly what had happened because I was there, I remembered how my claws carved into his flesh and then the drops of red. The adrenaline that flowed in me when I realized I caused some damage. For an inexperienced young pup that feeling was brand new. Like a drug-addict finding a new high, I don't think I'll ever get enough.

Growing tired of waiting, Hunter snapped, "Answer me!" I flinched automatically, reluctantly I yielded.

It wasn't like it was a secret, if I lied it would mean I'm ashamed of my choice. I'll never be ashamed that I was there standing up for something I believed in. Even though I wished I was only stronger.

"Yes," I almost breathed "It was me."

A snarl sounded and I felt like I just unlocked a cage door and inside lurked a feral animal without morals.

Hunter haphazardly released his shirt and began to pace the room with an furious expression. I felt like I was a teenager that got caught trying to sneak out and was being lectured. He ran a hand through his perfect hair and somehow transformed it into something sexier. I still was attracted to him even though he was furious and I was mad, it didn't make sense.

My eyes however were trained on the necklace that dangled from his grip and swayed with each long strode Hunter took. I wanted it back. The space on my skin where it hung felt bare and empty, like it was the missing puzzle piece that I was incomplete without. It's been so long since I've taken it off and put it down somewhere I almost felt like it was apart of me.

Hunter seemed to notice my void of concentration on him and searched for what seemed to take all my attention. He growled slightly when he saw what I was so worried about.

"Are you seriously concerned about this piece of sh!t right now!" He chuckled darkly, then his expression fell to a tired one. Like he was just over trying to fight everything and just gave up.

"Most would be f*cking dead right now if they pulled a quarter of the bullsh!t you do." He sighed exasperated and collapsed into the couch deep in thought.

I wondered if speaking out was the right thing to do at that moment. Then I realized their was not much else that I could do to get me in even more trouble then I already was.

"Then... Why aren't I dead." I asked, it wasn't like there was anything keeping him from killing me right now. It wouldn't be that hard for him to just slice my throat and watch as I choke on my own blood. Then toss my bodies for the birds to peck at.

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