Chapter 27

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It was around lunch time when almost all of the groups in session ended. They all dispersed like bats leaving a cave at the break of dusk. 

People gave me sideway glances, some trying their luck by getting close enough to smell me. But all the unwelcomed prodding eyes and noses were meant with a sharp growl and teeth. It frightened the younger pups, but the older wolves didn't bat an eye at my display. It was obvious they had yet saw me as their superior. However, I couldn't really blame them, I was a stranger from the south, I hadn't really done anything yet to prove myself.

Although, I knew it shouldn't bother me what these wolves thought of me, but it did. Which bothered me more.

I felt like this territory was familiar, like my soul was intertwined with it's air and soil. And a part of me, a restless part that always found discontent in everything back home, finally grew still. Like a small seed taking root. It confused me. My head wanted me to bolt the next chance I got, but my heart and soul wanted to stay, even after all the pain Hunter had caused me. They both anticipated something I couldn't grasp yet but felt.

I remembered what grandma once told me, "It's a risky business listening to the heart, it's irrational and absurd, but I can tell you one thing, your heart never lies, my dear."

I sighed and got up from my perch on the bench, I walked towards the front exit. 

'If I make it out these doors, I'll run. Right now, right here. If no one stops me, then no one will ever stop me again.' I bargained with myself, convincing it would be fate.

I walked with my head straight forward, trying to make my walk calm and fluent. Sharp and quick movements attracted eyes and those are what I wanted to avoid. I needed to pretend I was just another pack member exited the building. 

I half expected to be tackled to the ground or discovered at any moment, but nothing happened. I was almost at the door, I could smell the snow and strong fragrant of pine needles. A small flicker of disappointment surfaced, but I quickly stamped it out, telling myself it would be fate that decided my escape. It was only the bond trying to compel me to stay.

"Almost there." I whispered under my breath, trying my best not to fidget. 

"Something tells me you're not going to just get some fresh air. Especially when it's -21 degrees celsius outside." A familiar gruff male voice rang out behind me.

I snapped my head back, probably resembling a deer caught in the headlights, and saw the tower that is Leo smirking down at me. It was the first time I saw him since everything had happened and I wasn't sure I liked it. I was still sore about the whole Rachel topic and needed time to decide what to do about it.

"I... um," think of an excuse, "thought maybe I could go and see the rest of the pack." Leo looked unimpressed by my lame response, but didn't question it. He just rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Alright, you're probably hungry anyways. We'll go and grab a bite to eat." He walked out the door and went towards a beautiful dark red pick up trunk.

"Hop in!" He barked and I quickly obliged by swinging open the passenger door and jumping in, excited to be in a vehicle that wasn't one pothole away from falling apart . The seats felt luxurious and I didn't see a single flake of rust anywhere. I felt like I was cheating on my old trunk back home by ogling this exquisite piece of machinery. 

"So," Leo began, "You like burgers?"


Next thing I knew I finished three cheese burgers and was nursing a chocolate milkshake. 

"So, what do you think of the pack so far." Leo asked while munching on a fry.

Well, to be honest I would like it a hell of a lot better if I wasn't kept here against my will by a egotistical maniac of an alpha.

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