Chapter 5

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Hunter moved so fast I couldn't even blink by the time he was right front of me with his hand over my mouth, silencing my distress call. His other arm was around my waist enabling me to move away to call for help. My entire body felt like it was on fire and not in a bad way, every nerve was sparking with a passion at the mere presence of him being so close.

Sh*t, the bond is getting stronger.

His black eyes stared down at me and my breath hitched when I saw him bite his lip, secretly I wanted him to bite mine but that was just Magara talking. She was chanting for me to wrap my legs around him and do rather unladylike things, but of course those things would never happen as long as I'm in charge.

"Shhh..." He crooned trying to calm me down and more likely didn't want me to scream again for risk of getting caught by a maid or my parents.

"Wah tha elle ar wou dwein en aere!" I mumbled through his rough hand that practically covered my entire face. Hunter's skin was calloused and scratchy like a man who knew about physical labour, but that was just another turn on and it felt pleasantly warm against my face. I could almost imagine what it would feel like to have them run dow- Stop it hormones!

A rush of anger ran through me about being man handle, never once in my life did I let a guy push me around like some rag doll and I sure as hell won't start now. Opening my mouth and drawing back my lips I sharply nipped a fleshy part of his finger, my teeth pinched a sensitive spot and I'm sure it hurt.

Instead of taking his hand away abruptly like what I expected, he didn't move an inch, not even a flinch or show any sign of pain. Maybe all those stories about him weren't so far fetched after all, could it be possible that I was doomed to be the mate to a sociopath Alpha who doesn't feel pain?

Hunter growled lowly at me, his eyes looked like two perfectly polished lumps of coal and were focused directly on my grey ones. Still incapable of speaking I could only let out a small yelp of surprise as he pinned me against the end of the bed, my legs trapped by his larger ones around them and a hard wooden bed stand digging into my calf.

"Let's get one thing straight," he snarled "you're mine whether we like it or not, soon after this ridiculous game it'll be official, now you better start behaving and be a good little female and submit or I'll have to find other ways to force you to..." Hunter trailed off leaving what he said hanging in the air and floating like annoying flies around my head.

He's trying to intimidate me and to tell the truth it's working, the power and authority radiating off him is so hard to deny that my wolf is practically begging me to submit.

I wasn't going to let him win though, growing up with two older brothers I became extremely competitive and a little headstrong. If I just did what he told me to he'd totally walk all over me and force me to be his mate, nothing good could come out from what I said next but it didn't matter at the time.

"Please, you're not even scary enough for me to give you my lunch money then to actually submit to you, I mean come on, I will never submit to anyone I think lower then myself and sorry to say it but you are lower then me." My voice said with as much sass as it could muster.

All my life pride was my biggest sin, even my father told me that one day my big head and sharp tongue was going to get me into trouble unless I learned to muzzle my opinions. Well, let just say, I never have been a stickler for silence.

Looking up I could only describe it that the devil himself was in his eyes because hellfire burned within those two cobalt orbs ready to demolish what stand before it. If looks could kill, I would be sleeping with the fishes by now.

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