Chapter 8

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The men had stopped training and circled Hunter and I watching our dispute unfold, it was very nerve wracking to be surrounded by ginormous males with an angry Alpha before you, don't recommend it. Several looked unfazed by the argument, however some males wore worried expressions clearly directed at me, probably afraid their Alpha would prematurely rip the Luna to shreds before even becoming a pack member.

Hunter looked at me and grinned, my blood ran cold. I would have been fine with snarling, biting, even shifting but the way he acted so nonchalant about everything made my stomach flip.

The smile though, was definitely forced and bitterly sarcastic to say the least because his eyes looked like he was imagining me bleeding out to death from lacerations on my neck inflicted by his truly. Definitely not the kind of smile you'd greet a friend. Unless of course you like to kill your friends then be my guest and take notes from Hunter.

'I'm getting off track here' I thought

Bringing me out of my mind was a glimpse of movements in the corner of my eye and the sound of murmuring following close behind. Hunter had taken off his grey sweat jacket and began walking towards one of the sparring rings not even glancing back to see if I was following.

Confusion washed over me like a bucket of cold water.

"W-what are you doing?" I yelled out slightly perplexed.

"Isn't it obvious, you challenged an Alpha." Hunter's voice sliced through the air like a knife hitting home in my stomach.

"Yeah... B-but I didn't..." Trailing off and sounding much less confident than usual, I hardly recognized the subdued whisper of my normal boisterous and proud roar.

Hunter turned around in the middle of the ring to face me and almost looked like I said a joke, his usually stone hard grimace was transformed into a frown.

"Didn't what? Didn't think I'd actually fight my own mate. Well sorry to disappoint but that's the kind of Alpha I am, I don't take disrespect lightly and anyone who challenges my authority will deal with the consequences."

"You can't be serious." I breathed with disbelief.

He just stared coldly at me leaving no room for questions, the finality of this was so ground shaking even the worried males just hung their heads in submission. Well damn, this is for real then.

"I'm waiting." Hunter sneered cockily and actually smiled, but it was cruel and mean still not the smile you'd give a friend.

Anger ignited within and my wolf instincts snarled at me to rip his head off, but I had to keep a level head or I won't last a minute in the ring with Hunter. Stiffly I marched my way over stopping only ten feet in front of Hunter, the males followed and took residents on some nearby benches. They looked eager to see how I'd fair against the most dangerous male alive, a few looked depressed, like they were certain this would be my funeral.

I rolled my shoulders, listening to the satisfying popping noise it made like gravel crunching under my shoe. Eyeing Hunter I jumped from toe to toe trying to warm myself up and keep my feet light and quick, the last thing I wanted was to be a sitting duck. Lastly I shook and stretched everything in a frantic manner earning tiny chuckles from the sidelines.

The male in front of me did nothing but watched, looking bored as ever. It wasn't my fault I didn't want to pull a muscle do to starting a fight cold without warm up.

Finally feeling energized and ready I lowered my self into a fighting stance, my wolf senses heightened and I could feel the hot blood shooting through my veins giving me a vigorous high. Accidentally, a low warning growl rumbled in my throat and Hunter looked, for a second, surprised at my small outburst of confidence but it wasn't like it was the first time and defiantly wouldn't be the last. Quickly he covered his surprise with a smug smirk and lowered himself to mirror me, we were eye level now and I could see his beautiful blue depths.

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