Chapter 31

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The next morning I woke up and immediately had the urge to pee. I groggily made my way to the bathroom and relieved myself.

My toes and fingers ached and we're stiff to move, like I hadn't been mobile for weeks.

Memories of last night flipped through my head like a movie playing on a loop. A wave of regret filled my whole body and shame washed over me.

"Sh!t..." I sighed to myself.

Too many things happened that never should've of occurred in the first place.

I let my guard down with Hunter. The walls I had put up around my heart felt disturbed; shaken to the point my soul felt unsettled.

Something got in and it got in deep. 

Not wanting to face Hunter, but no longer able to push it off any longer, I left the confines of the bedroom.

I entered the living space and saw a piece of white lined paper on the table.

Walking over I picked it up as my eyes darted over the words scrawled in neat writing across the piece of parchment.

'Be back tonight. My wolves are outside if you need anything. Be good. - Hunter'  I rolled my eyes knowing that the last part had a hidden warning intertwined within the words.

My eyes flitted down to an added part at the bottom of the paper.

'P.S. You look good in my shirt.'

Bright pink leaked into my cheeks and I immediately slammed the note back on the table like it had singed my fingertips.

I didn't like the new feeling that seemed to be bubbling up in my chest more often. A tight warm sensation that made me feel as if I could levitate through the air.

I remembered in my old pack the past crushes I had. The nervousness that would envelope me whenever they approached or the joy when they'd smile at me.

I knew what a crush felt like.

But with Hunter it was different. These feelings felt so powerful it was almost crippling. They filled my body until I couldn't bear it any longer.


What was between Hunter and I wasn't just a crush or the wanting's of prepubescent youngsters. 

It was a need.

A very deep seeded need. Ancient and sacred. Like how your body tells you that you need water, food, warmth.

My body was telling me I needed Hunter.

Being with him felt like instinct, and separating myself went against every nerve in my whole being.

I wanted it to stop. Everything would be easier if the mate bond disappeared. If these feelings disappeared.

But even though I wanted to ignore these feelings, I couldn't deny the fact that they existed.

The rest of the day had went by pretty quiet. I ate alone, not feeling like inviting the wolves watching me inside.

Solitude was a necessity today. I needed to be alone for what I was going to do next. 

I ransacked Hunter's cabin, looking through old pack documents, files, and literature. Nothing sparking my interest at all.

What I could gather was that Hunter was a prolific documenter and very thorough. All of the Red Druids' data was cataloged.

Even insignificant things that in my old pack we would never consider recording.  

That's when I came across a locked drawer in Hunter's desk in the spare bedroom he had turned into an office. 

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