Chapter 8

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Mik's POV

I slowly start opening my eyes to a very dark room and attempt to sit up but my face starts pulsing giving me a really big headache.

'What the hell happened' I touch my face and feel a slight puffiness to it, I must have a black eye.

'Oh great how am I going to explain that to everyone.' I push the blanket off that was thrown over to me and I feel around trying to find the handle to the door.

I finally find it after almost tripping over someone's shoes and I push it open very quietly incase everyone is sleeping. 'Hmm I wonder where Ben is and why I was all by myself in the backroom?'

I start to walk through the dark bunk area and I hear video games being played very loudly.

'Oh god that is making my headache so much worse but at least I know where everyone is' I continue my journey through the dark bunk area and open up the door leading to the lounge.

I see James and Sam playing a game and Cameron and Denis talking but no Ben.

"Hey guys where is Ben?" Denis is the first to react and gets up so fast and tackles me into a huge hug. I almost lose my balance but then I feel James hugging me also then the other two join in on the hug.

'What the hell they are acting like they haven't seen me in forever'

"Ok I love all you guys but you didn't answer my question where is Ben?" They all pull away from the hug except for James who keeps one arm around me.

"Promise you're not going to be mad when we tell you" James says. My heart starts racing at all the possibilities like did he leave me? Is he cheating on me?

"Umm yes....sure I promise" They all stayed quiet for a moment then Denis was brave enough and spoke up.

"He's currently sitting in jail with assault charges against him for beating Andy" I feel slightly relieved it wasn't what I thought but then I got more worried about him being in jail and most importantly him being there by himself.

"Why did he beat Andy?" I look directly at Denis hoping for answers but he's just staring at me very confused.

"You don't remember?" I just shake my head and go to sit on the couch next to Sam and I put my head in my hands. 'Why can't I remember? It probably has something to do with this headache and black eye'

I feel Sam but his hand on my back and start rubbing it.

"Tell me. What exactly happened?"

Sam answers while James goes to sit on the other couch with Denis and Cam.

"Earlier I came to the back room because Andy was looking for you saying that if you don't go outside he's going to tell everyone. So you went outside and started talking and we were watching to make sure nothing happened." He makes a slight pause then continues. "We aren't sure what you said but we saw Andy throw his fist back and punch you in the face then run away. Denis and Ben had immediately ran off the bus to go get Andy but Ben brought you to the backroom first then without telling anyone he left."

"Then we happened?" Sam looks at Denis to continue so I lean forward and grab his hand.

He takes a breath "After he put you in the backroom. He stormed out of the bus and didn't even stop to tell your band mates or friends what happened, he just continued to Black Veils Brides bus. I ran after him, but I don't think he noticed, and he pushed Jinxx out the way and went to Andy's bunk. When I got onto the bus I found him beating Andy bloody and I tried to pull him off but he wouldn't stop and Jinxx had called security so they came and took Ben to the police station."

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