Chapter 9

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After setting Mikaila in the back lounge I had headed over to the BVB bus to be met by Jinxx, who I pushed passed, and continued to look for Andy. I found him in his bunk and then after his attitude I pulled him from the bunk onto the floor and started beating the shit out of him.

I just feel the rage kicking in about what he did to Mik and it just made me hit him harder. I feel my fist connect with his face over and over causing there to be blood everywhere.

"Well I guess I picked a bad day to wear white"

I then felt someone try and pull me off of him but in this state that wasn't happening. I fought whoever was trying to pull me off and start kicking Andy in the side but I am cut sort when I feel two really buff arms grab my off of Andy and carry me off the bus.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH DON'T EVER TOUCH HER AGAIN!" I managed to yell out before being completely pulled of their bus. The figure put me down only for me to be pushed onto my stomach and my arms go around to my back.

"Fuck" I mumble to myself. I rested my forehead against the cold ground and let out a frustrated sigh. I hadn't meant to get arrested, I had just wanted to get my point across. The buff man pulls me to my feet after handcuffing me and I look up to see Denis staring at me.

He just stares back and shacks his head at me. "Your so screwed mate"

"I know. But it's my doing so I'll pay the consequences" He nods his head in understanding.

Before I'm put in the back of the cop car I ask the cop if I could go over and speak quickly to tell Denis something. He nods his head and slowly let's go of my arm but watches me like a hawk. I walk over to Denis and pull him into an awkward hug.

"Don't let her see me" is all I tell him then turn around and make my way back towards the cop getting into the backseat on my own.

The ride took a while but we finally arrived to the station where I was put in custody and led to a jail cell. I was in the jail cell by myself but right next to this cell was where the women's cell was.

Lets just say I was getting lots of cat calls from older and ugly buff women.

*back to present*

"And then I was told that someone was here to see me and I had assumed it was Denis because I told him not to let you see me. I didn't want you to see me like this, stuck in these bloody fucking handcuffs."

I feel her give a small laugh and immediately knew what she was thinking.

"Kind of kinky though right, maybe they'll let us keep them when you get let out?" I just shake my head slightly laughing at her to ease some of the tension in the room.

She then hugged me tighter and I gladly respond giving her a kiss on the top of her head. Having her here has calmed me down but I still don't like the thought of her staying here with me.

"I know what you're thinking and I'm not leaving. We go through everything together and this is just one of those things that we are going to do together" She rests her head on my chest and I feel her let out of deep sigh.

I play with some of her hair then I pull her head up to look into her beautiful blue eyes.

"I don't want you to have to stay in this horrid place. Plus, I'm only here for one night so I don't see a reason for you to stay" She slowly starts to pout and I smile thinking that I finally won an argument against her.

Boy was I wrong.

"Ben I'm staying wherever you stay and also you're in here because of me, because I didn't have the courage to tell you about my past." She takes a deep breath. "So tonight I don't care where I have to stay but all I know is that its right by your side and that I've finally gotten the courage to tell you what Andy was talking about today" She pauses briefly and I see tears start to form which shocks me because I never see her cry. I lean in to kiss her but she just shakes her head and pulls away slightly.

I give her a confused look and I honestly felt hurt by that.

"I don't want you to hate me after I tell you everything which is why I'm afraid to tell you." She lets out a shaky breath as more tears fall down her face. Before she can turn me down again I grab her face in between my hands and give her everything I have into one kiss. She doesn't object but she doesn't kiss back and I feel fresh tears fall from her face onto mine. I slowly pull away and lean my forehead against hers.

"Whatever you have to tell me I will always listen and stick by your side no matter what you did. I don't care because it's in the past and it's not the person I'm looking at here today." I see her nod along to what I said and then she begins telling me her story but just before she can start the door to our rooms opens to reveal a female cop.

"Times up. I'm sorry honey but you got to get going." Mikaila stands up from my lap and slowly lets go of my hand before going up to the cop. I see her calmly talking with the cop but the cop keeps shaking her head and before I can comprehend what just happened she slapped the cop right across her face.

I had to stifle back a laugh but it was just so damn funny and the thing was the cop didn't even look mad about it.

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