Chapter 10

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Mik's POV

"Times up. I'm sorry honey but you got to get going" A female cop had peeked her head into the room and told me this. I got up from Bens lap and went over to talk with her about staying overnight with him.

"The only way we let people stay overnight if you are an inmate and I know you aren't one."

"Please ma'am I really want to stay with him and I'll do anything to." I gave her a puppy dog look and she gave me a sympathetic smile but then spoke.

"Alright if you slap me lightly I will charge you with only overnight and no assault against an officer. Alright?" I could not believe this cop was telling me to slap her.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes now just don't do it too hard please." She leaned slightly forward so her face was sticking out and I gently pulled me hand back and lightly slapped just enough so a sound was heard.

I quickly turn my head to look over at Ben and notice him trying not to laugh at the situation. 'If only he knew that I was a loud to do that'

I felt the cop place my hands behind my back but not put them in handcuffs. Then she gestured for Ben to join us and he got up and immediately went to my side.

The female cop led us down a hallway until we reached a set of jail cells. She first let Ben into the male one and then me into the female one. As soon as we both got in we went to the center bar wall and held hands through the bars whilst leaning against them.

I felt Ben take a sigh and then he asked me one of the most difficult questions of my life.

"So what happened exactly that Andy treated you the way he did and what is up with your past?" I feel my eyes get teary eyed but I put on a tough face and use the back of my hand to wipe away any tears that might have escaped. I take a deep breath and begin to tell him my story.

*early life*

My friend Jamie and I had just moved to L.A after making a much needed decision about leaving our lives behind in Wisconsin.

I knew that I wanted to do something with music but had no idea where to start so I went and got a job at the local bar becoming a bartender and security guard. After about a month of being there I started hearing talk of street races that happen and soon figured out that the only real way for me to make any money right now was to win those races. But even before that I needed to get an in with that crowd.

So Jamie and I spent the next couple months doing nothing but work and hitting the gym so I could become skinny enough and attractive enough to at least become a racer bunny. When I became skinny enough me and her started hitting up the local street races and soon after found a crew to hang out with.


I saw Ben shaking his head along with the story but I wasn't completely sure that I wanted to continue on with the story because from there everything got worse before it got better.

"That doesn't sound so bad" I gave him a half smile but my face turned grim right away.

"That's not the whole story there's a lot more and a lot worse. Are you sure you want me to continue with it?"

"I want to know everything about you the good and the bad."


*back to the past*

For about three months I was a street bunny, I didn't want Jamie in that life so I told her I was fine on my own and for her to enjoy her own life and continue with school. Being a street bunny is not about just dressing up and looking hot for the guys it also involves a lot of sex. I was passed around from crew member to member until finally I convinced one of them to let me race their car.

My first race I had gotten in second and he wasn't happy about it and thought to teach me a lesson which involved more sex. But I yet again convinced him to let me race and this time I came in first place. This led to an agreement I could race whosever car I chose and I wouldn't have to give them sex just half of the winnings. For a month I raced none stop and was soon able to afford my own car. I bought a dodge charger because they were my favorite and I fixed it up to be a real winner.

To race though involved a bit more sleeping around until they respected me enough to let me race and from there I took over the scene becoming one of the fastest drivers there. I saved even more money and started paying for studio equipment and a nice place for me and Jamie to stay at.

*back to present*

I slowly looked up at Ben's face and I saw him completely zoned out. I nervously started to pull my hand away from his but he held my hand tighter so I wasn't able to move anywhere.

"So basically you've slept with lots of people to get to where you are today money wise?"

"Yes and no after I got respected enough to race I started making my own money and from there I opened a lot of my own businesses so that I wouldn't have to race anymore but even then I was still required to race at least once a month or the crew I was with would come find me and harm me. I wasn't about to put Jamie in the middle of that so I never told her I still had to race, I told her I quit and that my life was fine."

He took a deep breath then sat in thought for a few moments before he spoke again.

"Do you still have to race?" I didn't want to answer him but I needed to get everything out in the open.

"Yes but I got it to where I only need to race when I'm home from touring. That's why whenever we were in L.A I would be gone for a couple nights at a time because I didn't want them finding you guys and using you as leverage against me."

I felt him squeeze my hand understanding where I was coming from.

"Plus I mean it's not all that bad I race once in a while then the cash I make from that I put in a bank account for Jamie to use when I'm away if she ever needs it."

"Can I see you race sometime?" I sighed out loud because I really didn't want him there. I didn't want the crew to know about him.

"Honestly I'd rather you not but if you really want to then I guess the next time that I do you can. But please do not tell anyone that I do, not even Jamie, I don't like when people worry about me."

He kissed the top of my head and starting stroking my hand with his thumb in a comforting way.

"I want to go with you because you need at least one person you can rely on. I know you like keeping us in the dark so we don't get hurt but I'd rather I know than not know and something happens."

"I know I'm just so used to relying on myself and not wanting to put others in the danger that I may inflict on myself because then I at least know that everyone else is safe even when I'm not."

We sat in silence for a couple minutes only hearing the chatter from the other inmates and the occasional click of keyboard keys.

"So what happened with Andy that caused him to act that way?"

I took a deep breath and thought about Andy. I honestly don't blame him for how he's been acting and I wish that we had become friends again but I don't know if that was ever going to happen.

Breaking from my thoughts I start to tell Ben all about Andy.

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