Meting the Host Club

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Heyo! This is my first fanfic so, cut me some slack. Now let the fanfic begin!

A picture of you on top

(Y/N) Pov
You hear an alarm ringing. "Shut up now will ya! Dam alarm!" Crap today is my first day of school. "Nana-gi (Your "mother") I'm not wearing the yellow dress!! Ever! It looks like a lemon!" "I knew you would say that. So I settled with the principal and he said you can were what ever you want, as long as it's apropiet, ok?" "Thanks Nana-gi I can always count on you." You got your guitar and skateboard and began to leave. "Bye Nana-gi!! Bye Suru-mo (Your "dad's" name)." You plug in your ear buds and listen to Don't Trust Me.

---Time skip---

Ugh why pink, out of all the colors in the fracking world, PINK for a school!? You try and find your locker. 128.128.128. Their it is locker 128! Why the hell are their love letters crammed into the locker next to me? Ah screw it. You see some one coming towards you. You ignore the person and see that he is the one with the locker filled with love letters. He was tall, silent, black hair (they say), he seemed strong. "Hey." You say in a kind of boy voice. "Hello." Was all he said. "Are you new?" No, siempre estaba aqui. (No, I was always here.) "What gave it away?" "I'm Takashi Morinozuka third year,but you can call me Mori." "Sup Mori I'm (Y/N) Uchija, but you can call me (Y/N)." "What classes do you have?" You show him the paper." You have your first class is with me, Home Ed, room 503." Oh wow.. "Thanks, show me the way!" You tell him and you swear you herd a chuckle.

---Time Skip---
You stare off into the window thinking about your past.

~~~Flash Back~~~
You wake up to your dad drunk, betting your mom again you get tired of this so you defend your mother. Next day your mom says "Guess what." "What?" "We found a bidder that is willing to pay over 60000 yen for you." "What!? You going to give me away!?" Pendeja! Pinche estupida. (Bitch! Fucking stupid) "No that would be stupid. We are going to sell you so you can finally be useful for once." Later that night you sneak out and run,run,run as fast as you can and as far away as you can.
~~~Flash Back Over~~~

"(Y/N)? (Y/N)? (Y/N)!!" The bitch , I mean teacher yells to you. Que quiere esta pendeja! (What dose this bitch want!) "What do you want. I was enjoying the tune out off you stupid voice!" "Oh if you think my voice is so stupid repeat what I said,WORD,FOR,WORD." How dose that make sense? Bitch is probably dumb."First off all that doesn't make any sense, all the crap that you say will not help, you dumbass! Second If I was meant to repeat shit I would have bin a frickin parrot!!! Third (You repeat it word by word) their are you satisfied. Fourth, Your teaching is fucked up! Fifth, Next time call on someone who actually gives a dam!! Ok!" You say with a dark aura surrounding you. "Just sit!" She spat out witch only made your aura darker and bigger." I'm not a fucking dog!! So don't you treat me or anyone else like one. And just to let you know I don't give a fuck if you rat me out it just shows that you need help from someone in a higher rank then you to salve a pointless problem that you created!" Then you heard all the girls swoon and they all had harts in their eyes. What da hell, how they do that?

---Time Skip---

Your at you lockers and Mori asked why you snapped, you explained the flashback about you and your parents,thankfully he understood. So you were walking down the hall. Ok where is math? You see this little blond kid,with a bunny,that looks like he should be in elementary. He ask you cheerfully,"Hey are you lost?" "I was about to ask the same thing to you?" "My name is Mitskuni Haninozuka third year, but you can call me Hunny because I'm sweet like the cake I eat." "My name is (Y/N) Uchija first year." "What class are you going to (Y/N)-chan?" "Um I'm going to math, but stupid me can't find it." You said kind of mad." Don't call your self that (Y/N)-chan.Well I'm going to math too, wanna be math buddies?" "No." "Pretty Please with a strawberry on top." "No." You see him start to tear up. No one should cry no matter what. You get a shiver up your spine thinking about your past. "Fine Mitskuni." "You can call me Hunny, that's what my friends call me." Friends? Are we considered friends? "Ok HUNNY, to math class room..." "Room 107 (Y/N)-chan." "Ok show me the way."

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