The 'Talk'

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(Y/N)'s pov:
I woke up and I see that Haruhi actually wore the dress I set out for her.

"Good morning sunshine." I say with drool still on my cheek and my hair all mest up.
"Good morning (Y/N)." She giggles fixing her dress.
"Hey, isn't that the dress I layed out?" I say getting up and brushing my hair.
"Oh s-sorry, I hope you don't mind!" She rambles.
"Don't worry, you know what? It actually makes you look cuter!" I smile.
"Thanks (Y/N)." She smiled as she spun.
"Keep it." I say while looking at my closet.
"W-What? No, I can't." She declined.
"That's bull, you obviously like it, it looks good on you, so hey why not? And you can't say no." I said while looking at a dress.
"O-ok." Haruhi said giving in.
"Does this one look ok?" I asked holding out a dress that was pastel blue and had some pink cherry blossom petals.
"That looks cute, you should wear it." She blushed.
"Ok, but I swear if the guys do something stupid to us cause we're in dresses, Imma fucking kill them." I say with a anime vein poping out of my head.
"Why are we dressed up so fancy anyways?" She asks changing the topic.
"Well my dearest, Haruhi, if you must know, were going to a dinner to get to know one onother." I answer then begin to wash my face.
"Dearest?" She whispered.
"Hush now child, let's go get the others." I say as I pull her out of the room.

We get the others and they all are wearing fancy clothes.

"Oh (Y/N)-Chan Haru-Chan, you guys look so cute!" Hunny said while the others just stared.
"Let's go, the limo is waiting." I say basically pushing them out the door.
"L-limo!? Isn't that too expensive?" Loli said worried.
"My 'father' makes cars, limos included." I say as we all got in the limo.

During the ride Otori and I had a fight on why chocolate and otemeal together is and isn't healthy.

"It's healthy!" I say defensively.
"Not really Ms. (Y/N), when are you going to grow a brain?" Kyoya sighed.
"I dont know, maybe when you grow a dick!" I say as the twins had this 'oh shit she got you' face
"Trust me Ms. (Y/N), i indeed have one." He said with a smirk.
"Oh is it microsopicly small, like your chance with me?" I say as a joke, because he doesn't like me.
"..." He says quiet with a hurt face.
"I'm just kidding I know you don't like me like that." I smile not knowing the awkward tnstion I just made.
"Oh look, literally anything else!" Loli said pointing to the resturaunt.
"That's the place alright." I sigh.

We go in and I ask for our table and we sat and ordered. The man left taking our order.

"So, Loli, were have you been?" I ask, this being the reason why we're here.
"Well, after the fire I had enough of that life, so I ran away. Later on a man whom worked at a sushi shop let me work there, in exchange he gave me a place to live. After that I guess i moved on, and later we found each other." He explained.

Does this mean that he new I was alive? Did he just leave with knoing that I was still with those monsters!?

"Hey Loli?" I ask trying to hide my nervousness.
"Yes (Y/N)?" He says eating some of the food, witch got here when he finished telling his story.
"Did you know I survived the fire?" I ask not knowing what I hoped.
"Yes, I did know you were alive." He smiled.
"But, when we saw each other at concert, you said you thought I died in the fire." I said feeling a pain in my chest.
"I guess I was just caught in the moment. Im sorry." He smiled wile tilting his head down.

Dis Bitch left me there!

"Oh, then, excuse me. I need to- I'll be back!" I rambled with my hand clutching my chest.

What is this feeling? My heart feels like it's trying to jump out of me, I feel a lump in my throat. Why would he just leave me?

I'm lost in thought as I sit outside of the resturaunt, then suddenly I hear a voice calling my name.

"(Y/N), hey are you ok? I've been calling your name for ages." He says as he walks to me.
"Oh, hey Tamaki." I say with a sigh.
"What's wrong, my princess?" He says as he sits next to me.
"Nothing, I'm fine." I say keeping my feelings bottled up, and I know it's not the best way to handle things, but that's the only way I know.
"Stop pretending that your fine, you don't have to be strong with me." His words taking a huge weight off my shoulders.
"H-He..." I say trying to hold back my words.
"Who hurt you? Who is this he!?" His emotions suddenly change to rage.
"L-Loli, he left me there, knowing I was alive. He just left me in that hell." I spill as I finally cracked.
"(Y/N)." He whispered as he hugged me.

I finished my little fit and we went inside, but even after all that I still had to be strong and not let people know what just happened.

"(Y/N), you're back! What happened?" Eeveryone asked.
"Nothing happend, just needed some fresh air. Sorry for worrying you." I said as I sat down.
"That was some good food!" Hikaru said as he patted his stomach.
"Yeah (Y/N)'s food was great!" Kaoru said as I noticed my plate only had crumbs of food.
"Hey Twiddle Di and Twiddle Dumbass! You never take a girls food!" I say a death glare, like if looks could kill; they would be six feet under.
"We're sorry (Y/N)." They say as hey try to hug me.
"Don't you fuggin touch me, you ate my food!" I say pushing them to the ground and puting my foot on there heads.
"I know this might be a bad time but-" Kaoru started.
"We can see up your dress." Hikaru says as my eyes go wide.
"I'm done, I'm fucking done. You fucking perverts." I say as the beat red twins laugh there asses off.
"Daughter, stop useing those dirty boy words!" Tamaki cried.
"Piss off." I say as I flipped him off.
"Ms. (Y/N), you know, I wouldn't mind if that was you and me." Kyoya says as the Tamaki starts scolding the twins.
"Shut up, stop jokeing, and let's go." I say laughing.


We're here, we changed into our casual clothes, and then I saw the most beautiful thing. The twins ate some bad food that was in the fridge.

"Karma's a bitch isn't it!" I shout wile enjoying my little snack.
"My little daughter shouldn't be useing that foul language!" Tamaki gets way to close to me, {Wile the twins are throwing up in the background}.
"Well, Dad, I-" I say as I was cut off by the sound of the house door opening.
"(Y/N), sweety. Who are these boys?" My 'Father' asked sweetly.
"They're some of my friends, one of them is a girl, and one of them is my brother." I smiled.
"Why are they here?" Said my mom with anger.
"I invited them here." I say smiling.
"Sweety your smiling!" My mother and father run to hug me.
"Yes. I am." I say as my face automatically goes back to monotone.
"Ok, but who are these people?" My 'Dad' asks.
"Father, I said it before, they are my friends. I know it's hard to believe that a looser like me could have friends but I do." I say walking over to my idiots.
"I don't approve af you having friends that are boys." My mom said as she walked towards us.
"Why?" I ask.
"They might take you a way from us!" She dramaticaly says.
"How so, do you think I'll end up dateing one of these guys?" I ask.
"Well-" she says and I cut her off.
"Maybe I will or maybe I'll end up with a girl, you never know." I smirk.
"Not my little baby! I don't care what you like, but no one is taking you from me!" She says as she runs to me.
"It's ok mother. Don't be worried." I hug her.
"Ok, my little makura*, I need to speak to you." My mother said with a serious tone.
"Ok?" I walk with her to the other room.

She sorts down and sighs. She pats the spot on couch next to her, signaling me to sit nets to her.

"Ok, (Y/N), I know you're getting older. And I know as you're getting older you will feel these earges." She sighed.
"..." No. No. No no no no.
"Believe me, I was quite a sight for soar eyes in high school." She bragged.
"Mother, don't worry it will be fine." I smiled, and walked out to dissmis the club.

"I still don't like the tall one with blond hair." She glared.
"Thoes are my idiots." I giggled.

Hello lovelies! I know I haven't updated for I have had wrighter's block, so how do you guys think I should make it up? And should I do a Christmas special? So many questions! Gah! Once again, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

Ja' ne 

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