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Hello my lovelies, this chapter will contain topics like bulling, etc. Please do not read if you are sensitive to this topic. You have been warned.

(Y/N)'s pov:
Im I'm heading to school when some girls stop me.
"Yes?" I said as I raised my eyebrow.
"You really are a little bitch aren't you?" A girl with almond brown hair snickers as she pushed me to the ground.

Bitch, the fuck did I do!?

"What do you want?" I say getting up off the ground.
"What we want is for you to stay away from the host!" Said a girl with light pink hair before slapped me.

They are so fucking lucky I'm a guy right now, and I can't hit a girl or I'll  get in trouble and/or blow my cover.

"If your head is so thick I'll remind you that I am also a host." I state.
"We warned you." They said with venom in their voices and walked away.

*Time Skip to art class*

3rd person pov:
(Y/N) walks into art class, only to see that her paintings and drawings have been ruined.
"(Y/N)-Chan, are you ok?" Hunny asked.
"Yes I'm fine." She forced a smile.
"Are you sure?" He asked unconvinced.
"Yes, I'm fine." She smiled convincing Hunny.
She walks to her desk to see that horrid words have been written on her art books. She quickly hid the books from Hunny.

*time Skip to lunch*

(Y/N)'s pov:
As I walked to the rose garden I wondered about random stuff. I got lost in the maze when I hear a sound and I see a rock fling towards me.

"Well well, if it isn't the little pest." The pink haired girl sneered.
"I thought we told you to stay away from them." Almond girl said.
"..." I stayed quiet and then Almond girl pushed me to the ground.
"Not going to say anything Bitch!? Fine, if you don't get away from the host, we'll just hurt them instead. Let's show you a little demonstration Chiho, get the blade." The Pink haired girl said as Chiho gets on top of me and...

*time skip*
I go into the club and open the door to hear the welcome thing.
"(Y/N), my princess, why are you late?" Tamaki questioned.
"..." I tried to find the right lie to say.
"Hey, why is your shirt red!?" Haruhi said while the club gathered around me.
"It's nothing." I say backing away.
"Are those blood stains!?" They asked in shock.
I pushed them away and looked at them with emotionless eyes.
"Piss off assholes, I don't want to be part of this sad excuse of a club anymore." I say the words burning as they came out of my mouth.
The room was dead silent I felt all eyes on me. I began to walk when Honey pulled my arm, it's stung because he was putting pressure on my cuts, and I had to do the unimaginable.
"You don't really mean that, do you (Y/N)-chan?" Honney asked with his eyes beginning to water.
"Haninozuka, let go of my arm before I break yours. And for the rest of you, address me by my last name, Uchija, that is if we're ever forced to talk." I pushed Hunny off and gave everyone a cold, heartless stare.
"Wow, you're really good at acting aren't you (Y/N)?" Tamaki asked hoping I was pretending, I mean I was but they couldn't know that.
"Does it look like I'm fucking joking Suoh? Just piss off, you and your stupid club." I walked off leaving the host club shocked, some were in tears, others were on the brink of tears. I ran home one as made sure no one saw the cuts.

*back at the club*

3rd pov:
"Why was she like that?" Hunny asked crying, and Mori was so shocked that he didn't comfort him.
"Her shirt had some red on it." Haruhi said with a sad face.
"It was blood. You can tell." Kyoya said putting his notebook down.
"But why was it-"
"On her chest, stomach, shoulders, and arms?" The twins questioned.
"Is she being hurt?"Mori asked.
"We have guest to attend, we'll talk to her later." Tamaki said with worry.
"Yeah." The rest agreed.

Three days passed and (Y/N) wasn't coming to school. In the end the host went to (Y/N)'s house only to find her in on her room lying down with a loose shirt. They secretly inspected the room only to see tissue papers with dry blood on them.

(Y/N) pov:
"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I say with a disgusted face.
"To see you." Mori said.
"We were worried about you (Y/N)-Chan." Honey said with concerned.
"Haninozuka, I thought I told you not to address me as if we were friends." I say my vision getting blury.
"Uchija-senpai, I brought class notes, I'll copy them down for you." Haruhi said as she got a pen out of her bag.
"No! I mean,the pen, can you put it away?" I say looking away from them.

They walked closer to me, pinned me down, took my shirt off to see something only animals could do. (Happy face), whore, fag, dumbass, these where some of the words engraved into my skin. And since they (the bullys) are such iotas, they thought I was a man  (with my binder on of course), even without my shirt. I shivered in fear, thinking how hideous Iook. I get up and cover my chest.

"What the hell is this!?" Kaoru said.
"Its nothing! Now all of you get off me!" I said as I felt something wet on my cheeks.
"(Y/N)... You're crying." Hikaru whispered.
"Please." I whispered.
"Tell us what happened! Don't you know that we all care for you!" Kyoya broke.
"Don't you know we all love you!" Tamaki said with tears falling down his face.
"Don't you know we're your friends?" They all said with a kind tone.
"Don't you know that I went through all this to protect you guys!" I busted out crying.
"You don't know how hard it was for me to say those things, you don't know how hard it was for me to know that you would hate me for protecting you. You don't know that this is my first time, in god knows how long, crying!" I said as I wiped the tears away.
"(Y/N), please tell us what happened." Tamaki asked, pain written all over his face.
"Some girls are bullying me, but I can take it so don't worry." I said as I stopped crying.
"Who are-"
"These girls?" The twins said with there bangs covering there eyes.
"Its fine, don't worry about them." I faked a smile.
"Your crying for god's sake! Stop shitting around the problem, and tell us who they are!" Kyoya demanded.
"I don't know there names! I don't fucking know!" I shout.
"Do you know what they look like?" Tamaki asked with a soft, comforting tone.
"Y-yes." I whimpered.
"Will you tell me who they are if we see them?" He gently hugged me trying not to touch the crap that the girls left on me.
"Yes, and... They are guest." I looked down.
"From our club!?" The twins shouted.
"Yes. And I'm sorry you had to see me like this." I wiped away the, now dry, tears.
"What do you mean?" They all questioned.
"I honestly don't think much of myself, but I've been told and beaten up because I apparently cry beautifully, what ever the hell that means anyways." I sigh.

Host pov
I just noticed how she looks beautiful, even in this state. Damn, I really do love her.

(Y/N) pov
They all embrace me into a firm but gentle hug. I looked up smiling.

"Thank you." I smiled with tears dlowing down my face.
"So, does this mean you'll come to school tomorrow?" Kaoru asked.
"I- I don't know. " I shivered as I remembered what those girls did.
"(Y/N), if you come with us, it will be easier to track the girls down. That way they wont ever treat anyone like the way they did." Said Tamamki, with his usual egotistical appearance gone.
"Ok, I'll go." I say looking up with a serious face.

Oof, so many mood swings, and so much drama.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2019 ⏰

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