Chapter 24

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Liam's P.O.V

I was really missing Loki so I went to Dani's house to see if she would give her me, and Shure enough she did. Daniel said that her new house was to big for small little Loki to be running around. So me and Daniel talked for a little about how things were going. I still like Daniel don't get me wrong but I'm in love with Jianna. And Daniel and Jianna do not get along so I don't know how they are going to act at the party coming up.

When I left Dani's I had Loki with me. I knew this was a good idea a because Jianna loves Loki and Loki loves her. But I have a feeling that J is going to freak out that I went to Dani's because the last time I went there she tryed to have sex with me. I didn't do it but Jianna had doubts because I talked about all the time. So I could see where she has concerns. When I got back o the house everyone was looking at me like I was crazy, but when they saw Loki there faces lit up mostly Niall's.

"Liam how'd you get her back" I asked

"Well I went to Dani's" said Liam

"You went where" Jianna said

I knew it I knew she was going to flip out. I know that she's happy to see Loki but I also know that she's mad that I didn't tell her that I was going over there. She asked me if we could talk alone for a minute and I said yes. She got up and walked to the room and I followed her. She slammed the door behind us. She's pissed off bad.

"What's your problem aren't you happy to see Loki" I asked

"Of course I'm happy to see her, but why didn't you tell me that's where you were going" she said

"Because I knew you wouldn't want me to go"

"I would have let you o if I knew what for" she said

"I'm sorry I should have told you"


Harry's P.O.V

I'm happy that Haylee is back, but I'm upset that she's acting like this. No one told me anything about what happens t Niall told me that he would tell me when everyone is asleep. So right now I'm just sitting in the living room with the light off, playing on my phone, waiting for Niall. When Niall came in the living room he sat down and told me everything. I'll be honest I had tears in my eyes because just the though of everything that she has been through just makes me sad.

The next morning Haylee came downstairs and sat next to me on the couch, pulled out her phone and started going though it. For some reason she started to cry and I didn't know why she was sitting there at her phone. I asked her what was wrong and she just looked up at me with tears in her eyes and handed me her iPhone. When she handed it to me I thought thought it would be like a text but it wasn't it was a picture of her being raped. What kind of sick person was this guy. That is just nasty like why would you do that.

I looked up at Haylee and I just hugged her. I tryed to give her phone back but she wouldn't take it. She told me to delete the pictures so she doesn't have to look at them. After I deleted the 167 pictures of Haylee, I hugged her. We just sat there hugging for the rest of the night because it was only 2:45 a.m. Haylee feel asleep on my chest and I didn't want to move because I knew she would flinch. A couple hours later Louis woke up it was now 7:30 in the morning. He walked into the living room and sat on the couch. He just looked at us as if he was trying to find out why we were both on the couch, but I really don't think he cares, he's more worried about her than anything else right now.

"She came down here at 2:00 and sat on the couch and started to cry" I told Lou

"Why was she crying" he asked

"Well she was going though her phone and she found pictures of the guy raping her"

"Oh did you delete them for her" he asked

"Ya, listen Lou I'm really sorry for everything that's been going to lately" I said

"Its OK Harry were still best mates and that will never change" said Louis


Haylee's P.O.V

When I woke up I was on the couch with Harry. He asked me if if I wanted to go out for breakfast. So I took a shower got dressed and we were on our way to the breakfast house. When we got to the the breakfast house the place was packed. There was I line the size of a train. But Harry said that we could just wait. While we were waiting we went to Starbucks across the street to get some coffees. A couple minutes later the line was gone so we went back. I liked hanging out with Harry it was fun. After we got our food, Harry's asked me if I could go and get some paper towel. I got up and went over to the table to get some. I felt someone touching me.  

"Hey sexy" a man said

I turned around and it was Nick. I don't understand the boys said he was dead. He grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the door.

"Harry Help" I yelled

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