The God Complex (TaeKook) - Room 1

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Jungkook stepped through the door hesitantly. What lay behind it was what seemed like an empty room covered in grey. Grey floor, grey ceiling, grey walls. In fact the only thing that wasn't grey were two identical doors on the other side of the room. Ebony doors with a single pane window in the middle."Why gray though? They picked the most dull color..." Jungkook mumbled as he looked around.

"They did, didn't they?" Jungkook spun towards the identical twin doors as he heard a deep voice. The voice seemed familiar, and Jungkook knew this had to be one of the faces he couldn't remember. What was his name?

"Interface picked out this body." The person explained, his voice now sounding robotic. "It's someone from your past, a Mr. Kim Taehyung." Who was Taehyung? It had to be someone important to him given the information, but Jungkook didn't recall anything other than that. Taehyung might as well have been a stranger.

"What are you?"

'Taehyung' chucked, his laugh sounding undoubtedly human. "I'm the Game Moderator, and I'm here to read you your questions. As for the real Taehyung, well...spoilers."

"My question?"

"How did you meet Kim Taehyung?" The boy disappeared, the smile on his face being he last to go. Jungkook couldn't even remember Taehyung, how was he supposed to guess correctly?

One of the doors shone, and Jungkook was drawn to the window. Inside the room, he saw a scene of a classroom. There was a boy at the front, who Jungkook could only assume was himself. A teacher stood beside the still figure of Jungkook with her hand outstretched, and the students were in various frozen positions.

Suddenly, the scene started moving. It was slow at first, as if it ran on clock work gears, and the Jungkook in the memory bowed and began talking.

"Anneyonghaseo. Cheonun Jeon Jungkook imnida." Jungkook nervously introduced himself to the class. He loathed doing these things, and wanted to avoid being the center of attention if he could. "I just came from Busan, please be kind with me."

The class broke into murmurs, it ranged from "Oh, he's a cutie." To "Ugh, another new kid." "Jungkook, please go sit by Taehyung." The teacher smiled kindly. " Taehyung! Raise your hand!" A brown-haired boy Jungkook assumed was Taehyung excitedly waved his hand in the air, an empty blue chair sat beside him. Jungkook walked to him and put his things down. They shared a desk that was probably larger than them both.

"Hello Jungkookie! My name is Taehyung, and I'm 21 years old. You look younger than me, so you can call me hyung." Taehyung smiled a rectangular smile and Jungkook was stunned for a second before realizing College classes had people from a whole range of age groups.

"Anneyonghaseo Taehyung...hyung. My name is Jungkook, I'm 19 years old and-" Jungkook paused. "Did you just call me Jungkookie?"

"Well, yeah. A cute kid like you should have a cute nickname too!"

The scene faded to black, and Jungkook stepped away from the window. He liked this memory, and it seemed to familiar to him. He was in college? He didn't know that. The other door shone brightly and Jungkook stepped towards the window. He put his hands on the door and looked inside.

The scene was frozen like before, but this time Jungkook was in a crowded hallway. The frozen image of Jungkook was facing someone, whoJungkook learned was Taehyung. The scene started moving, slowly at first before picking up the pace.


Jungkook suppressed a yelp as he was thrown to the lockers "Why do you keep bothering me?!" Jungkook yelled, his back stinging from the impact of the metal lockers.

"Excuse me? Did you just yell at me, shrimp?" the brown haired boy named Taehyung stared back angrily. "So you think you're Mr. Big-Shot, huh? Where are your manners?" he punched the small boy with such force, Jungkook fell over.

"Taehyung I-"

"You don't have the right to speak, faggot." Taehyung kicked Jungkook, and hauled him up by his shirt. "You should just burn."

The scene faded to black and Jungkook stumbled away from the window. What was with that memory? There was no way that could be true. However, with no memories Jungkook didn't know if his assumption was right. As of now, all he had to go off on was a whim, and that whim chose the first door.

Jungkook opened the door slowly, the room inside still black. He stepped in and the door behind him closed on it's own.


What if Jungkook got it wrong? What if he picked the wrong door? The poor boy's heart sped up and he didn't recall ever feeling more scared. The room immediately lit up, and the false Taehyung stood in the middle of the room.

"Congratulations, Jungkookie. You passed the first room." Taehyung smiled, and gestured to his side. When Jungkook turned, he saw the other room's scene. The Taehyung in that memory had a bruised Jungkook pinned to a wall. The scene suddenly cracked and shattered, and soon it was like it was never even there. Jungkook then remembered the rest of the correct memory.

"Would you rather I call you 'seagull'?"

"You're weird, hyung." Jungkook laughed.

"It's my specialty." Taehyung smiled triumphantly.

"Jungkook, Taehyung. Focus! Don't make me regret sitting you two together." The teacher scolded them and the two boys immediately started scribbling in their notebooks.

Jungkook turned back to the false Taehyung, a smile of satisfaction evident on his face.

"Don't get cocky, Jungkookie. You still have quite a ways to go." Taehyung warned, and two more doors appeared behind him, the rest of the pale gray room following.

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