I Need U Series - V

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Taehyung sat outside an apartment, two empty wine bottles lay beside him.

Inside he could hear moaning, muffled giggles of a cheater and her accomplice.

"Taehyung is still working"

"He'll  never find out"

They reassured themselves

"Harder! Ah!"

He heard her scream

Taehyung had been able to get off early from work, it was his 3rd anniversary. The day he finally asked out his crush of so many years, and the day she said yes.

"If you finish all your work, you can get off early." His boss said. As a result, Taehyung worked tirelessly to complete all of his work in record time and without a fault so he could spend precious extra hours with his loved one.

He wanted to make sure today was memorable. He bout her favorite wine. Rented her favorite movie, bought her favorite candy.

How was he repaid?

"Taehyung's still working. He'll never find out. He won't be home for hours."

It was definitely memorable.

Taehyung stood up and kicked the wall behind him with the back of his foot before setting off down the open hallway.

He doesn't need to sulk here. She wants to have sex? He'll go have sex too.

Suddenly, he froze when he heard screaming. It sounded frantic and scared, not at all like the pleasure-filled moans he heard earlier.

"Help me! Go away!" Taehyungs eyes widened
"How dare you, you little slut?!" Yelled the man

Oh shit

He ran back towards her apartment and , using his key, opened the door. Bursting inside, he looked around.

Not in the living room, nor the den...

As he was looking he saw a man hitting Taehyung's girlfriend out of the corner of his eye.

Taehyung grabbed the closest thing to him, an empty bottle of Soju, and ran into the room.

"Get the hell away from her!" Taehyung yelled as he hit the man with the bottle. The glass bottle broke in half, and Taehyung used the sharp glass to repeatedly stab him in the stomach, ignoring the desperate pleas to stop from his girlfriend.

I'm protecting you, but that doesn't mean I'm not furious at what you did.

When Taehyung finally calmed down, he looked at the man clearly. 

He knew this man.
Shit shit shit
He worked with this man, he was the face of the company Taehyung worked in.

Stepping back, Taehyung's eyes brimming with tears at the realization of what he did.

He's never even hit someone in his whole life, and now hes stabbed a person?

Taehyung dropped the broken bottle, still trying to recollect himself.

Blood flowed out of the mans wound and he coughed before falling over, holding his stomach. His mouth opened - as if he wanted to say something to Taehyung - but before he could he slumped over, his eyes dull and lifeless.

His girlfriend ran out of the house, terrified.
I'd be terrified too.
Taehyung continued walking back until he hit a wall, then he slid down and held his head in his hands.

"What did I do?"

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