Kookies' Birthday Spectacular!

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Author's Note
I didn't have any plans to make this romantic, it was just a little something for Jungkookies' birthday.


"Sengil Chukha hamnida!
Sengil chukha hamnida!
Saranghae Jungkook-ssi!
Sengil chukha hamnida!" Everyone sang as Jungkooks mom brought out a magnificent looking cake.

"Mrs. Jeon, this cake looks wonderful." I said as I looked in awe at its two layered finesse. It was decorated with different superhero themes.

"You could really open your own bakery. Your cakes are awesome!" Jin complimented.

Jungkooks mom smiled at our compliments and thanked us for thinking so, but denied the idea that they were all that great.

"Eomma, you're being silly. Your cakes are the best! Speaking of that can I have some now?"

The dining table was filled with laughter as Jungkooks mom and dad recounted stories of Jungkooks childhood as they passed out cake and ice cream.

"Oh I can't believe my darling Jungkookie is already 18!" Jungkooks mom hugged him tightly, squishing his face.

"Eomma!" The birthday boys face turned red.

"Now you have to remember, now that you're legal you're going to want to do things. Grown up things-" his mom continued, looking seriously into his eyes.

"Like paying bills." His dad cut in.

Jimin put his arm around the now 18 year old. "You're now a man, Jungkook. " then he whispered "If you ever need a condom let me know."

"Hyung!" Jungkook pushed him away and blushed furiously.

"Jungkook there's nothing to be embarrased about." Namjoon said.

"It's really simple Kookie." I said, gesturing every word (it's a habit that I talk with my hands...) "When a guy and a girl love each other-"

"Very much." Tae added
"Yes, when they love each other very much."
"They hug."  Jin said
"Hug?" I looked at Jin and he looked back with a face that said 'Go with it'
"Er, yes. They hug!" I looked back at Jungkook.

"Are you guys really giving me the talk right now?" Jungkook crossed his arms.

"You're a man now this is important!" Yoongi said as he ate a piece of cake.
"Wow, this is really good!" He said with the same tone of voice he used earlier as he looked to where Jungkook's mom and dad were, but they disappeared.

"It's a really great...hug." Hoseok said.
"It'll be the best hug of your life."

"Guys, I'm not a kid. You can say the word."

"You're the youngest, you're a kid to us."

"But noona, what happened to 'you're a man now'?"

"I never said that."
"Neither did I." Hoseok added
"Or me." Jin said

Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Oops, I think we made the birthday boy mad."

"No! Don't be mad at us, Jungkookie!" Tae jumped on him making Jungkook fall on the floor.
"We'll be so upset!" Hoseok jumped on him
"Please forgive us!" I said as I added to the dogpile

One by one the others joined.

"Yah! Get off me! You guys weigh a ton!" Jungkook rolled over and toppled the tower.

"Are you calling me fat?" I immediately sat up and headlocked him. "Do you want to die??"

"Don't kill him, he just became an adult." Jin said.

"You got off easy" I hissed in Jungkooks ear as I let him go. I'm two years older than Kookie so I treat him like a younger brother.

"Thank you, noona~" Jungkook fluttered his eyes and tried to look cute.

We all looked at him blankly.

"His aegyo is gone..." Yoongi said
"Oh my God..." Hoseok breathed
"Can that even happen...?" I asked
"Looks like it just did."
" Jungkook can't do aegyo anymore, the world is ending!" Jimin panicked

"Kids! It's time for presents!" Jungkooks mom called from the living room

Jungkook dashed to where they were and we all followed.

I entered the living room to see Kookie sitting around a bunch of wrapped boxes.
I also saw some gift bags, mine lay among them.

It was all black and red His two favorite colors.

"Jungkookie! Open mine first!" Jimin said
"No way! Open mine first" Tae pushed Jimin away
"No mine!" Jimin said louder.
"Mine!" Tae yelled while glaring at Jimin
Vkook or Jikook? The answer to end all debates is-
"I'm opening Jin hyung's first." Jungkook said as he grabbed a bag with a small pink ribbon, indicating it was from Jin.

Taehyung and Jimin both looked at Jin, who replied with a peace sign and "JinKook wins it all."

Jungkook pulled out a shirt with a chibi design of the Colossal Titan from Attack on Titan. The Titan was chasing the villagers with a sad face 'I just want to play. Why do you all run away from me?'
"I saw it at the store and I thought it was cute, I know you like Attack on Titan so I bought it."
"Hyung, this is awesome! Thank you!"
Bro hug

Everyone else gave their presents, and Jungkooks reaction was always surprised and happy to receive them.
His parents gave a game console, I was practically drooling. I've been wanting that console since I saw it at E3!

I shook my head and shoved my present into Jungkooks hands, the last present left. "Open it."

"Okay, bossy."
Jungkook pulled out a notebook
"...? What's this?"
"It's a sketchbook! I drew something and wrote on the first page. So, uh, go look."

Jungkook opened it and he saw a drawing of all his favorite things. Chibi' of Thor and iron man were riding a rainbow while Captian America and the Hulk fought the Colossal Titain.
G-Dragon was in the corner wearing a crown and sitting on a throne, colors shone off of him in Blacks and Blues and it had "Happy Birthday Jungkook!" Written in Hangul.

"Uwaaaaa, this is so cool!" A/N: Also way better than what I actually drew

"Look at the back." I said as I wringed my hands, a habit when I'm nervous.

It had a birthday message.

"Happy Birthday my golden Kookie!
You're the MANkae now!" Jungkook groaned at the pun while Taehyung laughed "(Oh that was so lame...I'd cross it out but I don't want to ruin this...ottokae...?)

You know noonas are gonna be after you now right? (Not me of course. That's weird.)
I see the way they're looking at you. Once they find out you're 18 there's no holding them back. Prison won't await them anymore!"

"Oi! You're not supposed to scare him!why did you write that?" Jin scolded me.

"But I'm pretty sure you knew that already right? Weren't you the one that said "I'm 18, I know all there is to know"? When you weren't even 18 yet, smartness?" He laughed

"Ah, it doesn't matter. I should really stop talking before you get tired and fall asleep or something. (Wait, that's Yoongi)" The man in question shrugged and crossed his arms behind his head.

"So Sengil chukhae my little dongsaeng.
Spend today happily!" Jungkook smiled as he finished.
Everyone started clapping and I hugged him.
"Thanks noona."
"You're welcome Jungkook" I smiled.
"Happy Birthday."

Authors Note #2


I won't say much for a birthday message here, since I've already done that in the story.
But now you're officially legal all over the world!

Now you're seriously not safe from Noonas kekekekekeke~

I don't know what I'm saying though, Jungkook is older than me.

Eh, whatever.
¡Felicidades, mi hermano!
One more year until you can watch I Need U 19+ version.
(But if you're like me, you've already watched it anyway.
Just pretend you didn't~)

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