Chapter Eleven

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"I take it you guys defeated him" Edwin said as the team walked into the base. "You guys were gone for quite sometime. Was there more?"

"No" Might answered. "Only Hawk came like I predicted. We took him down, wasn't too difficult. We all worked together as a team and we got the job done, I'm starting to think we were destined to team up."

"Destined?" Melina said. "Yes. Destiny plays a role in all our lives."

"I don't believe in destiny" Crow said. "I believe we happened to stumble on each other and decided to work as a team to take down our most powerful foes."

"We were destined to team up" Melina said.

"Yea yea" Crow said. He took off his helmet and brushed his blonde hair. Dragok transformed back to normal. Blast took off his goggles and mask. Might took off his helmet. And Bash left his metal mask domino mask on, he still had trust issues with the team.

"What's our next move?" Edward, Dragok, asked.

"Let's just relax a bit Eddie" Blast said, he took a seat, brought it to the big table and sat down in it laying back.

"Yes" Edwin said. "Take a break. You guys won this battle, don't over work yourselves before you lose the next one."

"Jessie is still out there" Might said. "We can't take breaks."

"Might's right, but still" Crow said. "At least for today. Plus I have things I need to do before we continue with our next move." Crow put his helmet on and walked towards the exit.

"Where are you going?" Might said.

"I have someone I need to talk to" Crow said. He took flight and bolted out of the base.


Marilyn walked into the lab he has stored in his base. There Trickster was working in a piece of tach for him.

"How's it coming along?" Marilyn asked.

"It's coming along just fine" Trickster said. "The enchantment pill seems to be in check. Although it's not 100% full proof, there is no way of telling how your meta-cell will react. It can take in the pill sure and enhance you, but it might reject it and it can kill you. The only way to make the chances of you surviving faster is if we have a coolant. The coolant is used to prevent it from over heating and burning your insides. We don't have one, but there is a military base that had a science wing that most likely has that not too far from here."

"I'll take that chance of surviving" Marilyn said. "And I'll get you the coolant."

"May I ask something?" Trickster said, Marilyn nodded yes. "Why do you need this pill, you are already extremely strong and can fly very fast?"

"It's not for that" Marilyn said. "It's for something else, something even more important."

"What is it?"

"Don't worry about it Trickster" Marilyn said. "Do this and I assure you no harm will come to you. I promise."

"Very well boss" Trickster said. Marilyn walked out of the room. There was Vex standing in front of him.

"How may I help you?" Marilyn asked.

"It's been a while since I've had some action" Vex said. "Just wondering if you have anything I can do?"

"There is one thing I'm sure you can handle" Marilyn said. "There is a secret military base a few miles from here. They have a science wing attached to it, I need something from there, a coolant for my next project. Go with Streak and get it for me, Streak can go get it while you defend the compound from unwanted interruptions."

"Finally some fun" Vex said. "Don't worry, you'll have that coolant in no time." Vex walked away and went to Streak and approached him.

"Yes?" Streak asked putting the cup of beer down.

"Marilyn wants us to go to a military base to get a coolant for his next project" Vex told him. "Get up and let's go. It's a couple miles from here."

"How do you plan on getting there?" Streak asked. "Don't think I'm gonna carry you."

"Well" Vex said grinning. After a few minutes the two villains found themselves in front of a huge military base. Vex jumped off of Streaks back of course the speedster complained on how heavy Vex is.

"Finally here" Streak said. "My fucking back is broken."

"You'll live" Vex said. An alarm started to ring and cars and soldiers came in all aiming at the two guys. "Find the science wing, get the coolant. I'll deal with these grunts."

"Alright" Streak said and bolted out of view.

Vex walked forward and bullets started to rain all over him. They bounced off and landed on the floor and he grinned. He jumped up into the air and landed on one of the cars. He dropped down and grabbed a mans throat and popped his head off. He grabbed the head and threw it at someone distracting them. He took that man and ripped him in half. That's when helicopters came flying in and tanks came and surrounded him as well.

"Wow" Vex said. "Is that all?"

He jumped up and punched through a helicopter and it blew up in mid air. He grabbed one of the propellers from the smoke and launched at a group of people slicing them in half. A tank shell flew to him and he caught it and threw it to a helicopter blowing it up. He ran to a tank and punched it upside down. People crawled out and he stepped their head into the ground killing them.

Streak on the other hand was running through the facility looking for the science wing. Finally he came across a huge sign reading "Advanced Study of Science and Engineering: Personnel Only." He ran in and came across a huge lab with a few scientists hiding. Inside was group of soldiers aiming their guns at Streak. He charged up energy and shot red lightning at the floor in front of them blowing them back. They hit the wall and stood up. He ran to them slicing all their throats as he ran past them. They all fell down coughing and trying to hold the blood in.

"Hello" Streak said and took off his goggles. "I need your help. I'm in need of a coolant, show me where I can find one."

"Never" one of them yelled. The other two were cowering behind him.

"Fool" Streak said. He grabbed the other two behind him and held their throats and lifted them up. He charged lightning in his hand blowing the scientists heads off. Blood spewed all over the one in the middle and he yelled in horror and fear. "Now get me what I want, or you're next."

The scientist stood up and went into a drawer in the lab. He took out a box with small containers in it. "Here" he said crying in fear. "This is all. In these containers are nanite coolants, this is all we have I swear of it."

"I believe you" Streak said. "Now go, get out of my face before I change my mind." The man ran away and out of the lab. Streak ran and snapped the guys neck. "Sorry, I'm a fast thinker and changed my mind real quick. Oh well." Streak ran off to Vex who was battling.

He saw Vex throwing missiles, cutting people in half and punching cars over. "Got it?"

"Yup I did" Streak said. "Let's get this to Marilyn."


Streak finally got to Marilyn with Vex. "Here you go boss" Streak said. "Nanite Coolants like you asked for."

"Good" Marilyn said. Marilyn went into Tricksters study and gave him the coolants. "Here you go. Now get to work on stabilizing those enhancement pills."

"No problem boss" Trickster said. "Time to make you even more powerful."

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