Bonus Chapter

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Teaser for the next installation. Part Two to "United We Stand", called "In Time They'll Fall".

--45 Years Later--

He ran as fast as he could trying desperately to outrun him. It's been years since they were all killed and he is the only survivor. He's been on the run for almost 20 years now, he's still running. Even with all his new speed and power they are just too fast. The System is too fast for him and they are getting closer.

He finally came to a stop as he collided with a tall figure in front of him. It was their leader, he stood tall and shined in the moon light. It's red eyes stared into his piercing him in fear. Never in his whole life has he been more afraid to confront someone than with this monster. He has never faced anything as fast, as strong, as intelligent and as powerful. Not even the God of War could've taken him. It's name is Da Zyztom, leader of the organization known as the System. It grabbed his neck and lifted him up placing his cannon in front of his face.

"Time to die Blast" Da Zyztom said to him. "Just like the rest of the world. Just like the rest of your precious Team Unity!" He charged up his cannon and blasted it with all it's power and energy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2016 ⏰

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