Chapter Twelve

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Crow flew above the city and landed on a building. He stood for a few minutes awaiting the person he came to talk to. Finally he heard footsteps behind him and turned around to see a man in a completely black suit. It was his friend from Hell named Daeda.

"Hello Jason" Daeda said to him shaking hands. "You wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes" Crow said. "A man named Marilyn Crow sucked the powers out of Reaper. Reaper was also a Crow Demon like the one inside me. I wanted to as a question of you since you are a powerful demon sorcerer. Is there a way I can take that power out of this man, and if so will it add to my power?"

"A matter of fact yes" Daeda said. "The dead demon spirit inside of you can also be used as a beacon. This Marilyn guy took it by force, the demon didn't choose him. The Crow Demon inside of you can be used as a beacon for it to come to you. It senses the power inside of you and it'll long to leave this man for you instead. I don't know if it'll add to your power but that's the best I can do for you."

"How can I bring it into me?"

"You must concentrate" Daeda began. "Focus on the life force of the demon inside of him, call it over using demonic telepathy. It'll hear you and it'll come to you. Your spirit is still clean, it'll kill this Crow Demon as well as it did the last."

"Thank you Daeda" Crow said.

"Now I'm busy at the moment" Daeda said. "I must take my leave."

"Oh yea" Crow said. "I heard what was going on with that half demon half warlock of yours. Does he need my help?"

"We have it covered" Daeda said. "If ever I find myself in need of you. I'll let you know. Goodbye Jason." Daeda teleported away.

Crow flew back to the base and entered to see the whole team in shock. He looked at the big screen in the base and it showed a military base, it was all destroyed and dozens of soldiers slaughtered terribly.

"Who did this?" Crow asked. "Who?!?!"

"It was Vex, and Streak" Might said. "They went to steal something, the Feds reported that the only thing missing was nanite coolants from the science wing."

"How did we not get an alert for this?" Crow asked.

"I don't know" Edward said. "We need to take them down, they've gone too far now."

"Streak is mine!" Blast yelled. "I'm sick and tired of losing to him. He is faster than me, and stronger and more skilled. But I don't care, he's mine and I'm taking him down once and for all."

"Agreed" Melina said. "We can't keep losing to them, we need to take them down. Look at this dishonorable act."

"Vex has to be stopped, and all the rest" Bash said.

"But where are they?" Edwin jumped in. "We can't take down what we can't find. We can't just wait here for them to attack again. Plus they know our base is here, what if they come again?"

"They won't" Might said. "We'll have home advantage. He'll want us to go to him instead, which we have to do."

"How?" Crow said.

"Maybe I can track the elements of the nanite coolants to see where they may be" Edwin said. "Nanite Coolants are rare and give off a sort of energy reading that is unique. I can track that reading and find where it is, that'll most likely be where they are."

"Alright do it" Might said. "Blast, Crow and Dragok with me."

"Where are we going?" Bash asked.

"Patrol the city" Might said. "I'm sure tracking down that energy will take some time so we might as well do something. Melina, Bash protect Edwin while he works."

"No problem" Melina said. Bash nodded.

"Alright let's go" Might said. Dragok, Might and Crow flew out and Blast ran besides them. They were in the city now, Blast ran around the whole place while the other three flew high in the sky. Dragok landed and took a deep breathe, he looked up and let it out and a burst of fire filled the air. He was luring in White Devil.

They waited about ten minutes and heard a loud roar. Devil was in the air flapping his bloody red wings and roaring. He landed in front of them and Blast came rushing in.

"Been a while Devil" Blast said. "Where are your buddies?" Devil ignored Blast and stared at Dragok hungrily. Devil out his wings away and stood up taller. He walked towards Dragok and they readied up for battle. Devil punched Dragok back quickly and blasted Blast away as well. He grabbed Mighty and Crow on each hands and slammed them into the ground. He punched both of them repeatedly and they went deeper and deeper into the ground. Dragok flew and tackled Devil and they both flew in the air now as Devil extended his bloody wings.

The blasted each other with fire both dodging the others attack. Dragok swung his fist and punched Devils jaw and then kneed his stomach. He blasted him with fire and he landed on the ground. Devil stood up and Blast shot him with lightning sending him flying into a wall. Suddenly police choppers came and surrounded the area.

"Put your hands in the air and don't move" the police officer said into the microphone. S.W.A.T. Officers came in black trucks and aimed their guns at everybody.

"Guys they haven't spotted you yet" Blast whispered in the ear piece. "Go before they see you. I can obviously out run them."

Dragok, Crow and Might flew up into the air and the police haven't seen them yet. "How about Devil?" Might said.

"He'll most likely blast out of there any second" Dragok said. "He doesn't like the attention." Devil roared and charged up fire in his mouth. He breathed it out and aimed it towards a group of S.W.A.T. Officers. Blast ran and took them all to a safe area. The blast of fire hit the ground and blew the cars away.

"Get your men out of here" Blast said to one of the officers. "I got this here don't worry, I'm one of the good guys I promise you that."

"We have orders to take that thing down" one of them said. "We can't leave it to an amateur like you."

"It's either you take your men out of here or die" Blast said. "This thing will kill you and rip you apart, bullets won't even tickle it trust me. Go get your men out, let them see their families at least one extra time."

"Alright let's move men!" The officer said and rendezvoused with the rest. Blast ran in front of Devil and they stood face to face.

"Go Devil" Blast said. "Don't want your boss to get mad and take your powers since you disobeyed him. I'm sure he doesn't like you bringing up attention like this. We'll fight again." Devil's wings extended from his body and he roared and bolted into the air. He zoomed into the distance. Blast ran after him. He followed the monster hidden to find his base. Finally he had a chance of finding where Marilyn is. Suddenly Devil disappeared into the night sky. "Crap" Blast thought to himself and ran back to the team.

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