Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Maddie woke up to her alarm clock buzzing in her ear as it did every morning. It was 6:00am on a Friday. It was her last day of school before the start of a two week spring break.

Maddie's POV:

After a long, hard and final day of school, I changed into yoga pants, a Bieber shirt and plopped myself on my bed with my laptop and started to research on different software graphic design and photo editing apps. I was unsure whether I wanted to draw my first cover or make it using a photo. The possibilities were endless.

It was 10:00pm when I had found the right software program. I shut down my laptop and grabbed my phone. It took five whole minutes for the thing to turn on. Once it did, I got kik notifications.

Hi, sweetie.

Hey, how r u?

I'm okay.

The convocation went on from there until about two in the morning. By then, I told Darcy that my phone was going to die and it needed a charge.

*Next Morning*

Darcy's POV:

I woke up to Justin kicking me out of my bed to the point where I rolled off my side of the bed and on the hard, cold floor.

"Justin!" I yell, getting up and getting closer so I could smack him upside the head.
My arm swung and I smacked him upside the head.

"Oww!" He said, sitting up and rubbing his head.
"What was that for?" He yelled angrily and very confused.

"You kicked me off the bed!" I defended myself, stomping out of the room.

"Hey! Baby, I'm sorry." He spun me around in the process, smacking our lips together.

"Justin, babe. You have a shoot, today." I said through the kiss. I felt him pout.
"I'll go make breakfast." I gave him a hug and walked to the kitchen to gather all the things  needed to make pancakes since those were his favorites.

After about forty minutes, the delicious pancakes were done. I got out two china plates, gently put them on there and served them at the table.

"Juju! Breakfast." I say as he races to the tables, gobbles them down and is trying to get out the door.
"Wait! Where's my good-bye kiss?" I ask. He grabs me, crashes into me and does a sloppy kiss that was about three to five minutes.

"Good bye, my princess." He says, before, once again, is out the door.

A/N: Hello, my amazing readers! What did you like about this chapter.  Feedback is greatly appreciated. Don't forget to vote! Thank you!

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