Chapter 33

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Chapter 33

Officer Mike walked out with his lunch. He stared at his partner. She grabbed his lunch and walked away.

Justin's POV:

"We have a lead?" He asked, leading up against the counter. I nodded while handing him the phone.

His face seemed perplex. His eyebrow was raised while seemly reading what was on the screen.

"I'll definitely have a look at this." He went away for a few seconds. He came back with gloves and a baggie.

"I'll need to take this for evidence." He dropped the phone in the bag.
A buzz came in.

It's gonna happen soon.


"Who's this M?" Officer Mike questioned. I answered honestly, saying I have no clue who it was. He looked at me suspiciously.

"Alrighttttttt." He dragged the word out, as if I was not telling the complete and honest truth.
Then another police officer, who I assumed was his partner, walked in.

"Don't mind him. He just wants this case to be over and done with." A women with curly black hair stated. She smiles, making her red lipstick seem a hundred percent brighter.

"Oh um, it's not a problem." I say, wiping the sweat from behind my neck. I really got to stop that nervous habit.

"He's just thinking about his wife. Sometimes I think he thinks he's not doing enough." Her empathic voice was soft and very easy to listen to. She turned around when I said nothing.

"Oh um, you wanted me to say something." I cleared my throat. She laughed at my comment got a good forty seconds.

"Your face was hilarious!" She continued to laugh through the statement. I must have stared at her blankly enough before she had a face that screamed, are you really that dumb?

"I'm just gonna go." I fast walked out there and to my car. I took about five deep breaths before not being able to control my emotions any longer and started bawling my eyes out.

Tears rolled down my face. Everything was becoming so much so quickly.

I had no idea whether my girlfriend was dead or alive. Those people could be doing anything to her and I can't protect her.

Darcy really wanted to go shopping but I knew Scooter wouldn't allow it if we told him. So, we didn't.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Darcy asked, nervously. She's always been afraid of Scooter for some odd reason. I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Yes, darling. It's fine. The worst he could do is lecture us." I reminded her as she put on her shoes and sunglasses.

We spent a quarter of a million dollars that day. But sure enough, we did get a mouthful from Scooter about "being responsible."

I silently chuckled at his words. At the age of nineteen, I was legally an adult and could do what I pleased with my money. Even if  that meant pleasing my girl. When I pointed this out to him, he still told me to me careful.

A few days later, Maddie and I started talking over Kik. Darcy really seemed to love her. A few months later, Maddie called us and invaded our privacy is when we cut her off.

All of that happened within a three moth time span. I was really unaware of how much could change in such a short amount of time until now.

I looked at the digital clock in the car. 12:30pm. As if on cue, my stomach growled. I turned in the car radio and turned it up to drown out the noise. As soon as I went to turn on city streets, it was bumper to bumper traffic.

I went to the traffic app on my phone but it died before I could get to the app.

After two minutes of people not moving, I saw what was keeping us. A car was flipped over while another one was scrunched up at the front of the bumper. The light turned green and I went on with my quest for lunch.

*At Home*

Justin's POV:

Lunch in hand, I went over to the living room and turned on the television.

"And now, we have a car crash near the fifty-fourth police station." The news person spoke, trying a little too hard to seem sad about the situation.

"The scene behind me reportedly happened when a drunk driver ram into the car of twenty one year old Darcy Brax." Her picture of her wearing minimal make up with her hair pulled back into a pony tail popped up on the screen.

I was immediately glued to the screen as soon as I heard my baby's name. The reporter went on to say she was kidnapped and the police were trying to find them.

I looked down at my lunch. Not feeling hungry after hearing the report, I threw all of it away.
It seemed my world could not get any worse but then, it did. It boggled my mind that my sweet, innocent girlfriend was kidnapped by a crazy woman and then God had to go and kill her?

What do you think will happen? What are your hopes for Justin and Darcy? Hopes for Maddie? Any other thoughts about the book in general?
Don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you guys! I love you guys!

Since no one answered my post on Twitter, what are your favorite book genres?
Side note: my Twitter/IG: Life_for_belieb

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