Leo's Life 1

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJo/HoO or the characters

Leo's Life

Chapter 1

My name's Leo Valdez. I am 9 years old and on the run, again. You may be thinking something like on the run? Again? Or maybe you just don't care. I, for one, think that anyone reading this, won't.

Heck, even I don't know why I'm writing this!

Maybe I'm just some stupid 9 year old, that has problems.

I have ADHD and Dyslexia, and it makes life a lot harder, considering I'm practically hypo. I'm not really naturally hypo either.

See, I have a motto, a really important one. Like a rule, except I don't follow rules, always break them. Anyway,my motto is, don't stop, keep moving. It's not catchy and to anyone else, it probably doesn't even make sense.

It means, don't stop, keep moving, literately. Don't stay in one place for to long, it will only cause pain, to you and them. Don't try and make friends. People let you down, so does life. It kills everyone you love, it kills the only happiness you will ever find.

You may be wondering, how can a 9 year old boy, with mental problems, be so deep? Well, it's happened to me.

Another question someone might ask, is, wouldn't it be lonely, having no friends? my answer is no, it's not.

I've lived the past year, alone and afraid. So far, I've been to only one foster home, but I've run away twice. Once after my mother died and the other time, well, now.

My mother died a year ago. In a fire, caused by...me.

It's all my fault! I shouldn't have tried to blast that stupid dirt lady! The cost was to high, it left me alone, in this cruel dark world of ours.

Everyday, I come out from hiding, and I see family's with mothers and fathers and kids.

I feel a twist in my gut, I feel jealous and in pain. Because I can never have that. I never knew my dad, and now, obviously my mothers gone forever.

The family on my mum's side, despise me, hate me even. my Aunt Rosa put me into foster care, because she thought that I killed my mother.

And she was right.

Now here I am, all alone, cold, hungry and living in a dirty sewer.

I don't even know what city I'm in!

My feet hurt, as I've been walking all day, trying to find a place to sleep in.

I have all sorts of metal bits, that I am constantly fiddling with.

See, my mother owned a mechanic shop, I loved it in there!

We would speak Spanish and fix and make all sorts of things.

I loved it.

I shook my head, bitterly. That was in the past now, all of its gone, and I only have myself to blame.

I have to be strong though, I have to find a way out of this mess, to get through this.

I WILL find a way. I have to.

I better go to sleep, memories are exhausting.

So, I curled up, in a ball with the patchy old blanket that I took from the foster home. And fell into a deep sleep.

I didn't have any nightmares like I usually do. So I was thankful for that.


When I woke up the next morning, I set off.

To where, I have no idea.

I just kept walking.

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