Leo's Life Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I don't own PJo/HoO or the characters

Leo's Life

Chapter 2

6 Months Later

I ran.

I ran as fast as I could to get away. But I couldn't stand this, I couldn't stand the constant running.

I was out of breath.

Panting like a dog.

I wondered sometimes how far my life has come, how much I've changed.

I'm almost 10 now. The accident happened two years ago.

Six months ago, I was alone and in pain. Now, I have friends.

Jaxson Millers is two years older then me, he's twelve and an awesome friend. He can shoot better then a famous archer, he also has a thing for hitting stuff with a baseball bat.


We met four months ago, I was sitting in yet another sewer, puffed from another run, only difference was that I had almost been caught by social services.

What I don't understand is why they bother. I mean, being on the streets, is way easier then the pain of having a so called 'family' in a home that's even worst them the last.

Anyway, I was dressing my wounds from being tripped my a few fourteen year olds, when running. My arm was slightly fractured, meaning I had to stay in the sewer for a few days. Great.

As I was looking at my arm, my ears picked up a noise. Footprints.

I quickly stood up, gasping in pain, from my arm. I stumbled a bit, when I thought I was going to fall, as I was off balanced, a hand shot out and helped me stay upright.

I cautiously looked up at the person who saved me from breaking my arm.

He had light brown hair, blue eyes. He was wearing a black shirt with a gold bow and arrow on it with ripped up jeans and a leather jacket, that was probably stolen. He was tall and looked to be about twelve years old.

"T-thanks" I said, shivering from the cold.

He nodded his head.

"Can I stay here awhile?" He asked.

I hesitantly nodded my head.

"How many foster homes?" He asked me.

"Two so far, but by the time I'm eighteen, about ten. Ask me then" I said.

He cracked a small smile.

"And you?" I asked.

"Six, so far" He said grinning.

"I can't wait to hear about them" I said, smirking.

He must have understood my invitation, as he said, "I would be glad to share"

I smiled at him, he returned it.

And that was the beginning of our friendship.

*End of Flashback*

My other friend, Annike Williams, who's eleven years old, only one year older then me. She's an expert when it comes to stealing, pranking and riding horses. She's also pretty good with her knife.

How we met, is a weird story...


Our group officially formed, two and a half months ago, I had gotten used to traveling with Jax.

We were in a random town and sitting on a giant dumpster, when a girl came running down the ally, police sirens going off behind her.

The girl had paint stains on her, like she had either been painting or vandalizing a random building by spray painting it.

She had long, dark brown hair, that was pulled into a pony tail. She was wearing a long blue shirt with a caladus on it, Black stocking like 3/4 pants and what looks like a stolen leather jacket.

She didn't notice us, until she ran into Jaxson's chest.

She looked up at him.

I could see something in their eyes, a spark of curiosity and an instant liking for each other.

I smirked, well, now I have something I can tease them about.

Just looking at her, I could already tell she was going to join our group, and I had a feeling Jax and the girl would end up getting together.

"The cops are chasing me, help me out?" She asked.

We nodded.

"Do you mind jumping in the dumpster?" I asked.

She grinned.


I nodded, smiling at her.

I then swung my legs around, facing the inside of the dumpster and slid in.

The others soon followed my lead.

Seconds later, we heard footsteps, on the concrete, slowly coming closer.

"Are you sure she ran this way, Chad?" A gruff voice, that I'm assuming was one of the police officers asked the other guy, Chad.

"Certain" 'Chad' said.

We heard shuffling for a few minutes before the footsteps retreated, going in the opposite direction.

Since I was the smallest, I lifted my body up, with my hands, to look up and out of the dumpster.

"Clear" I said to the other two.

"But if you guys are making out, I don't wanna know about it" I said.

The other two soon clambered out, scowling at me.

I smirked.

"Well, anyway, I'm Annike" The girl said.

"I'm Jaxson" Jax told her.

She looked at me.

"Leo" I said.

She smiled.

"Can I hang out with you guys?" She asked.

I shrugged.

"I don't care" I said.

"Got any stories?" Jax asked.

Annike smiled.


"You're in" He then said.

And that's how our little group of awesome misfit runaways began.

*End of Flashback*

Ever since then, we had been going from city to city, pranking, stealing, vandalizing, pretty much having an awesome time.

But now, the police had caught Jaxson, and Niky and I had to get him back, before its too late.


Sorry I took so long to update, I thought I had lost the chapter (I write this on my iPod), but later found it on my computer, so...

Anyway, for anyone who is actually reading this (the story), I was wondering if you could possibly read my 'reading Leo's Life' book?

Because I need this question answered as I can't figure it out myself

Thanks for the reads, comments and votes! :)





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