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Michael sighed as he picked at his fingernails, making them even shorter than they were before. He was waiting by his locker, his backpack hanging off of one shoulder, but both of his shoulders were slouched.

He liked to think he was only waiting for Calum, and that Luke wasn't tagging along. Of course, Luke being at the sleepover was the only thing on his mind before, but he forced himself to push that fact out of his thoughts.

He couldn't avoid it, though. Luke was coming to Calum's Friday night sleepover as well, and as Calum explained earlier, Michael would just have to deal with it. Oh, and he definitely would.

Pretty soon, Michael saw familiar, tan chubby cheeks, and recognized Calum walking towards him. A huge smile was spread across his face. Because of that, Michael began to smile, too. Seeing his best friend made him so happy. But all that happiness disappeared–it had to–when he saw a shorter and lighter blond fringe than his behind him. Michael frowned when he knew who it belonged to.

Calum noticed Michael's sudden change in mood, and only groaned in annoyance. He turned back towards Luke, who's head was tilted downwards, so he couldn't see his face. He bumped his arm gently, and Luke's head shot up, his eyes wide.

"Hey, it's okay. Just ignore anything Mike says. I promise he's not always a mean person." Calum reassured him quietly. Luke just nodded shyly, and followed Calum to where Michael was leaning against his locker.

Maybe he would be different tonight, Luke thought hopefully.

"Hello, Calum. It's such a pleasure to be able to see you, buddy." Michael said in a sugary sweet tone, his voice as fake as acrylic nails. Calum heard Luke take in a sharp breath behind him, and knew this night was going to be a long, painful one.

"Yeah, Mike. It's nice to see you, too. You didn't forget that Luke was coming too, right?" Calum asked in a sweet tone as well, but he actually meant to be sweet and kind.

Calum pointed at Luke behind him, raising an eyebrow at the older boy in front of him. He watched as Michael's gaze shifted to the blond, and the smirk he was proudly wearing faded into a frown.

"I know." Michael gritted his teeth, putting a nice effect on his fake disgust, staring straight into his supposed enemy's eyes. Those big, blue eyes that held nothing but the ocean and pure innocence. Michael took this moment to notice just how innocent Luke actually looked right then.

He was standing there in his tight blue skinny jeans, with a Green Day shirt on that displayed the cover of one of their latest albums. He was wearing black and white sneakers, not Converse, but just some cheap knockoffs. His blond fringe (almost the same as Michael's, except Michael's was longer and darker) was getting in his eyes, and Michael watched as he moved it out of the way so those clear blue eyes could see and be seen again.

Michael didn't even notice the deep red blush that appeared on Luke's pale cheeks as Michael looked over every feature on the lanky boy's face.

Calum stood there awkwardly, not quite knowing what was happening. Why was Michael staring at Luke? Was it some trick he was playing to try and make Luke uncomfortable? Calum sure wouldn't like it if he did that to him.

"Michael," Calum began, trying to get his attention. Suddenly, Michael shook his head, his eyes blinking rapidly. He took a step back from Luke and Calum, but that didn't work out too well. He ran straight into the lockers behind him, and hit the heel of his right foot. Hard.

"Ow, fuck!" he called out, pain shooting up all the way through his leg, starting from the direct hit on his heel. He bent over forwards and tried to calm himself. Calum jumped back a bit, and Luke squeaked out in fear, jumping behind Calum as he did so.

"Shit, you okay, mate?" Calum asked Michael, resting his hand on his shoulder gently.

No, I'm not okay, you dimwit. I just hit my heel on some lockers because I was staring at who's supposed to be my sworn enemy in a more than taunting way and didn't even notice it, Michael thought as he took a few deep breaths.

"I'm fine." he lied as he narrowed his eyes at Luke. He was now a little pissed at Luke. For once, the hatred was real.

Luke cowered behind Calum as Michael turned around and headed for the school doors, other students trying to pile out of them at the same time. Calum sighed and turned towards Luke, patting him on the shoulder.

"Let's go, Luke. Hopefully he'll brighten up when we get to my house." Calum told him, and Luke just nodded.

Hopefully, Luke thought. Hopefully.

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