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Calum decided that it was time for the three boys to discontinue their FIFA gameplay. He suggested that they go downstairs and call up a local pizza place. Michael agreed since it was nearing his usual dinner time, and Luke just shyly shrugged his shoulders.

Luke was actually starving. His stomach was growling like crazy since he didn't eat lunch at school that day. He usually packed his lunch because he hated the school's food, but his mum couldn't afford to go to the store the day before because of his stupid brother, Jack, and his college fees.

He's the one going to the damn school, why couldn't he pay for college?

Luke was sure his mother only payed for it because Jack was her favorite kid. She would always deny it, but Luke knew it was true. Jack was always nice and caring to everyone, and didn't leave for America without a trace as soon as he turned eighteen like Ben did. He also wasn't a complete mental fuck-up like Luke was. He had to be her favorite son, he was perfect.

Luke forced himself out of his terrible thoughts and followed behind Calum and Michael down the stairs and into the Hoods' kitchen.

Calum made his way over to the counter where he grabbed the home phone and began dialing the pizza place's number. He had it memorized from all the times he's called because of his and his friends' love for pizza.

With the phone up to his ear now, he asked Michael and Luke what they wanted while he waited for a worker to pick up. "I'm getting two medium pizzas no matter what. I just need to know what toppings you wan- oh! Hi, uh," he gave Michael and Luke a questioning look. Luke assumed a worker had received Calum's call.

"Cheese with sausage." the two Aussies said aloud at the same time, both turning their heads afterward to look at the other one as if they were crazy.

"Excuse me?" Michael scoffed, giving Luke the dirtiest look he's ever been given. He didn't mean to sound so evil, but he didn't think before he let out what he said. Michael began to feel terrible once he saw Luke begin to cower down again, not wanting to upset Michael like he had before.

"I-I just said that I, uh, I want ch-cheese and sausage. I swear I didn't m-mean to-" he was then cut off by Calum scolding Michael.

"Mike! He's allowed to like the same pizza toppings as you. It just so happens that I want that, also, so it's settled." Calum gave Michael a hard glare and he just rolled his emerald green eyes. But when those beautiful emerald green eyes met Luke's bright blue ones, he swore he saw them soften just a bit.

Luke switched his glance nervously between the meaner boy and Calum as he heard Calum ask for two medium pizzas, all with cheese and sausage. Soon after, he had hung up the phone and said the pizza would be there in twenty minutes.

Luke looked around the kitchen and decided to sit down on a bar stool that was by the counter that they would be eating on soon. He took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. If he really wanted Michael to quit bullying him, he'd have to man up and show him that he's not as weak (physically and mentally) as he really is.

Luke watched as Michael shook his head to himself. "I'm turning on the TV." Michael muttered as he wandered off into the living room. He seemed more distant now, and for some stupid reason, it worried Luke.

Instead of paying attention to Michael's sudden distant state, Calum paid attention to his departure, and took this point in time to turn and give Luke a sympathetic smile.

"It's hard for him to loosen up, I'm sure you know this by now. I just thought he would've been over whatever this is after all these years. Everything will be fine soon, though. I'll talk to him." he told the blond softly, crossing his arms over his chest and sighing afterwards. Luke just nodded and slumped his shoulders, already feeling like he wouldn't be able to show Michael that he wasn't some breadstick who couldn't stick up for himself.

To be honest, he was sick of Calum trying to tell him that it was going to be all right. Michael was nasty one second, nicer than he had been for a long period of time the next, and then he was back to scoffing and giving Luke dirty looks all over again. No matter what Calum said to reassure the blond, he knew things would just keep getting worse.

Michael would always have a closed mind, and he would never soften up to Luke. He would always hate him. And knowing that hurt Luke deep down. It hurt him more than words could ever explain. He would never explain it in words even if he could though, because Michael wouldn't care anyways.

Sorry for such a depressing ending, guys. It'll most likely get worse in the next chapter. Just brace yourselves for some sad stuff. Love y'all. <3

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