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I made a reference to this song in this chapter so I just said fuck it and added it in. If you haven't heard Now or Never by Halsey, here's your chance!

The first to wake up the next morning was Calum. He was always waking up early and being on time with stuff so it wasn't a surprise to Michael. Luke was up second, and Michael awoke last to see him and Calum talking softly on his bed, still in their boxers. That helped Michael get out of bed as he sat up and rubbed his eyes, trying to be respectful by not staring at Luke's lower half.

"Oh, look, the beast has arisen!" Calum exclaimed, throwing his arms in the air and making Michael chuckle lazily. Luke giggled along, his pretty blue eyes landing on Michael and making him feel like a million bucks even though he probably looked like complete shit since he had just woken up.

"Oh, shut it, Cal." Michael responded playfully, his morning voice deep and raspy though he was only fifteen, yet the oldest out of their friend group. Luke seemed taken back by how Michael had sounded, but the older boy brushed off his reaction and stood up from the mess of blankets he slept in.

"I'm hungry." Michael stated, stretching his arms above his head and yawning afterward.

That's all he had to say before Calum was up and pulling Luke with him. The three made their way down the stairs to kitchen where it was empty, but a note was left on the counter.

"My dad left for work already and my mom went to the store. Looks like we've got this house to ourselves, boys." Calum told the other two, throwing the note in the trash on his way to the fridge to find something for them eat.

After searching the entire kitchen for breakfast, they all settled on just finishing up the pizza they had ordered last night. They sat at the bar, Michael on the far right, Calum on the far left, which left a spot open for Luke in the middle. The three teenagers ate and talked and just messed around. At one point Luke ended up having to feed Michael the rest of his current slice of pizza because apparently Luke had punched him too hard when they all knew the boy just wanted to get back at Luke somehow. Although, Luke didn't think feeding Michael was that bad of a punishment, but he wouldn't admit that out loud.

Once they were done, Calum had to order everyone to clean up this time because they were still groggy somehow. Luke and Michael got dish duty while all Calum made himself do was throw out the pizza boxes. Lucky him.

Michael brought their plates over while Luke started the water and mixed in the soap. The couple stood quite close as Michael passed Luke a plate to clean one at a time. Michael controlled himself and didn't move any closer as Luke kept on being a responsible kid. Michael never fancied chores, but it seemed like Luke had done this a million times because damn, could he clean a plate. Like, Michael wasn't even exaggerating.

"Michael, I need the last plate." Luke stifled a giggle as Michael broke out of his daze, blushing a deep red once he realized he had been staring at Luke this entire time. What the fuck is wrong with me?

"Sorry, here." he gave the lanky boy the last plate, keeping his gaze on the floor for the rest of the time. Luke just shook his head with a small smile on his lips as he finished up.

Afterward, the boys went into the living room where Calum was chilling on the couch watching T.V. They just shook their heads, unamused at him before they settled down beside him.

"What're we watching?" Luke asked, gazing at the screen. Some random show was on because it was Saturday morning and nothing actually good was on then. Calum just shrugged to go along with what Luke had already inferred, so they sat aimlessly watching the people on the screen go through the plot of the episode.

Before they knew it, it was 12:30 P.M. and Calum made the two boys tell their parents to pick them up at one o'clock. He got them up off their butts since they were still in their boxers and took everyone back upstairs so they could get dressed. Michael was civil enough to keep to himself when Luke put his pants back on and also threw on a different shirt. Other than that, it didn't take long for the three boys to be ready and it had only been fifteen minutes since.

"Since we have nothing else to do, do you want to have a FIFA rematch?" Luke suggested, looking over at Michael as he turned off his phone and put it away.

Michael raised his eyebrows, giving Luke a cautious look. "You want to go again? Are you sure, Luke?"

Luke just giggled, only a little bit nervous this time. "Yes, I'm sure. Just don't flip out if I beat you again, okay? Pinky promise." he demanded, holding out his pinky.

Michael stared at him for a second in disbelief, but just ended up smirking and agreed, hooking their pinkies together while Calum went to set the game up.

For their last match, Luke still won, but Michael didn't get pissed at all. In fact, he wasn't even paying attention to the game enough for him to get mad that he didn't win. He brought it upon himself, actually. I mean, Michael was the one who kept looking over at Luke who had his tongue peeking out of the corner of his mouth in concentration the whole time. His feelings were brimming the surface. If he wasn't careful, everything would spill. What if I want him to finally know, though?

Michael didn't even have enough time to react to his last thought because the doorbell rang and Calum had shot up off the floor to answer it. If he really was going to act on it, he didn't have much time at all because either his mum or one of Luke's parents were there to pick him up. This was his last chance.

Michael took a quick, deep breath before he spun himself around and grabbed Luke's arm to pull him back down to a sitting position. The boy looked confused when they were sitting face-to-face again, but Michael didn't have time to let Luke get comfortable.

"Luke, I have to tell you something. Well, last night I-I didn't really admit everything." Michael rushed out, ignoring Calum's shouting coming from downstairs, saying that Michael's mum was there.

"Oh?" Luke urged him to go on, keeping their eyes locked, and Michael needed to hurry up or he'd either pass out from the the level of anxiety he had or Calum would come up to get him.

"Yeah, um- Just- Uh..." This was the stage where Michael got choked up and almost thought about backing out, but he knew he couldn't possibly do that now.

"What, Michael?" Luke asked him softly, those ocean eyes putting him in a trance. He didn't want to hide the fact that he like-liked Luke any longer. It was now or never, and Michael chose now.

"Fuck it." the older boy muttered under his breath, grabbing ahold of Luke's face in his hands and bringing the boy in and pushing him away so fast that their lips almost didn't touch, but they did. They kissed, and though it was short, it still meant a great deal to both boys.

Luke sat in shock as he stared at Michael who was now standing up and facing Calum who had just busted into his room. "Michael, I've been calling you for ages! Your mum's here, let's go."

Luke barely got out a goodbye before Michael was grabbing his stuff and giving him a smile and a quick wave before he was out of sight, but definitely not out of his thoughts.

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