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That Monday after the weekend of the sleepover, Michael and Luke showed up to school hand-in-hand. Calum couldn't have made a bigger fool of himself when he dropped all of his books and just stood with his mouth hanging open. Luke giggled in response and buried his face in Michael's shoulder. Calum then exaggerated his shocked stance by pointing at them in disbelief. That's when Michael began laughing.

"Chill, Cal. Let us explain."

And so Michael was back to explaining things again. He told Calum about what happened before Michael had left his house, then he told him how him and Luke had worked things out over the remainder of the weekend. Lastly, he revealed how he had secretly been in love with Luke since the day he had laid eyes on him in sixth grade. That was the true reason why he had put up the facade that he had had for these past five years.

Calum was still astonished but nonetheless accepted his best friend's' decision to get together. He congratulated them, then had them help pick up his things since they were the cause of him dropping them. Michael and Luke made quick stops at their lockers before the trio walked to their first period classes, the couple taking Calum to his class first. Then Michael walked Luke to his first period.

The two stayed outside of the door for a couple minutes, talking about nothing important, but just wanting to spend time together. This new take on the relationship they had together was opening their eyes to a whole lot of stuff. For Luke, it was his first intimate relationship, and the fact that it was with a boy was a big deal as well. That didn't change things, obviously, but it was still something that mattered. For Michael, he could finally act on everything he was so used to keeping inside. He finally felt free. He felt like he could be himself now that Luke knew and they were together.

"Mike, there's only five minutes left until class starts. You should probably go." Luke mentioned, smiling up at his boyfriend. Michael only sighed unhappily at those words.

"I don't want to leave you, though." Michael admitted, already making them sound like a sappy, lovey-dovey couple. It had literally been two days and Michael was more head-over-heels than he had ever been before.

Luke just bit his lip to stop himself from giggling this time, "Go, Michael. I'll see you after class."

Before Michael could protest any more, Luke had given him a kiss on the cheek and was pushing him towards the direction he needed to go in. Luke had turned to go into his classroom with red cheeks and a small smile on his lips, but he was pulled back around and was brought into a big, comforting hug. He couldn't refrain from laughing out loud this time, and wrapped his arms around Michael's neck to return the gesture.

"I'll miss you all the while." Michael whispered, pulling back with a smile bigger than he's ever been able to muster, then he was off, leaving Luke a dazed but very happy teenager.

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