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***Duff's POV***

I watched Izzy stare down Tara as she walked by, turning his head to check out her ass as she got in the elevator.

Her ass does look damn good in those shorts if I do say so myself.

"Hey, that's my wife man," I said, smacking his chest.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's get goin'," he said, now walking away.

I locked the door and jogged up to catch up to Izzy and we went down the elevator.

Everyone was piled in the car and there was no room for anyone else. So Steven stepped out, since he was the smallest one of us all, and I took his seat and Tara went on my lap. Steven went on Slash's lap and no one really seemed to give a fuck which was funny to me. It's not a normal occurance that Steven sits on Slash's lap.

"Cig?" Slash offered Tara.

She shrugged and took one while he lit it for her.

We made it to the nightclub about 15 minutes later and we all got out of the car.

I swung my arm around Tara's shoulders and we all walked next to each other to enter the club.

As soon as we entered, Slash went to the girls on the dancefloor, Steven and Izzy hit the bar, and Axl went right back outside to smoke a cigarette.

"Let's get a drink then dance," I said.

Tara agreed and I ordered us both a drink.

When they came we quickly chugged them down and went on the dancefloor.

Tara started to dance, sexually, and came up in front of me. I grabbed her hips and started to grind against her, moving my hips in the same motion as hers.

Man, I haven't grinded or danced with her in what seemed like years. Dancing on her now feels like a whole new experience. It feels sexy. It feels good. And I can definitely tell you that it is turning me on. Big time.

After a few fast songs and of us grinding, a slow song came on. Particulary Tears in Heaven.

Tara stopped dancing on me and turned to face me with a shy look on her face.

I smiled at her and pulled her in to slow dance. She leaned her head on my shoulder and I felt her breath hit my neck a few times.

We were moving so slowly and swiftly that everything just felt right. Everything felt like it should. Us dancing like this made me think of our slow dance at our wedding.

"Duff, I know things will get bad again," she said to me, lifting her head off my shoulder, now eye and eye with me.

I didn't say anything and just continued to listen.

"But I love you. Please just know that. No matter what happens between us, no matter what fights we have, I'll always have that love for you. It'll never go away."

"Tara," I smiled, putting a strand of hair behind her ear as I used to do, "I am so in love with you."

She smiled with a slight chuckle as she pulled me around my neck for a huge hug.

I nuzzled my face in her neck and kissed it a couple times.

We then resumed to slow dance and she put her head back on my shoulder.

The song ended and went back to being fast paced music so Tara and I decided to take a cigarette break.

We stepped outside and the first person I saw out there was Slash, hardcore making out with some girl.

Tara and I exchanged looks and laughed. I then lit a cigarette for Tara, then one for myself.

"Do you remember when we first dated?" Tara asked me, staring out into the distance with a smile on her face.

"Yeah," I nodded, inhaling a lot of smoke, then blowing it out, "I do."

"Remember how crazy we were?" she smiled, glancing at me.

"I do remember that," I chuckled with a nod.

"My God. We got into some crazy shit," she said, clearly reminiscing, taking another drag from the cigarette.

"I know. Like that one time Axl almost fell off that fuckin' building," I laughed, "that was fuckin' nuts."

"Oh my God! I was so fucking scared," she laughed as well, looking back at me.

"We were a good couple," I said, deeply peering into her eyes.

"We were a great couple," she said back.

We both then didn't say anything and resumed staring into each other's eyes.

She eventually broke the eye contact and stared back into the distance.

"Hey man," someone said from behind me, putting their hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Izzy.

"Hey," I said back to him, taking another hit of my cigarette.

"Let's get goin', aye? All the fine bitches left," he said.

"Alright man," I nodded.

He then started to head to the car and Tara and I quickly finished our cigarettes.

"Who's gonna get him?" Tara asked, nodding to Slash, still hardcore making out with that girl.

"I will, I guess," I breathed, "just get in the car."

She nodded and started walking to the car. I watched her walking away, and all that sexy sway was back. That sexy fuckin' way she moves her hips was back and I felt myself getting excited.

I snapped out of it and walked over to Slash. I put my hand on his shoulder which scared the shit out of him and he turned around rapidly to look at me.

"Damn man! Privacy please?" he drunkly slurred.

"No. We're all leavin'," I said, glancing over at the girl who was pinned on the wall.

"Can't you guys wait a fuckin' second?" he asked angrily.

"No. We're leavin' now, so either you're comin' or you're not," I said, started to walk away.

"Okay well, looks like I gotta go. Sure as hell nice to meet ya Melody," Slash told the girl.

"It's Mckenna!" she screeched.

I chuckled to myself as I continued to walk away.

"Right. Later!" Slash exclaimed to her as he ran up next to me.

"Melody?" I laughed.

"Hey, close enough!"

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