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*1 month later*

There was now only a week until our schools homecoming dance. Obviously, Calum asked Arianne to go with him, and she said yes. It sucked because in the beginning of the school year, he promised me that he'd take me. He shouldn't make promises that he couldn't keep.

Today, I was going dress shopping with Kylie. All the dresses at the mall were not really my style. Until I found this beautiful long dress that went past my ankles. It was strapless but beautifully beaded at the top. I felt like Cinderella. And the dress just so happens to be blue, Calum's favorite color.

"it's beautiful Haylee ! And it fits your body perfectly because you're tall" Kylie exclaimed while I stared at myself in the mirror of the fitting room. I slowly twirled in the dress, feeling absolutely gorgeous. "You're buying it, right ? Because if you don't I will" Kylie laughed.

"Yes Kylie, I'm buying it" I giggled. She helped me unzip the dress before changing back into my regular clothes and paying for the dress. "$136.98" the lady said, I pulled out the debit card my mom had given me and swiped it. After that, we walked around the mall for a little bit.

I was in Hollister looking at jeans when someone lightly tapped my shoulder. I turned and my eyes set on a pair of blue ones. "Luke ?" I smiled, "hi there beautiful" he replied.

Luke is such a sweetheart, we only met once at my moms wedding, I'm pretty sure his parents are a family friend. "It's so nice to see you again!" I exclaimed as I pulled him into a hug. "You too, hey I'm sorry I didn't return that night at the wedding, my... Uhm...my dad was just tired so he decided to leave e-early" he stuttered. I noticed a few bruises on his neck that he attempted to conceal but failed horribly.

I brushed it off, "it's fine" I smiled. We went on for another 30 minutes just talking about anything. It turns out that he goes to the same school as me now ! He just got transferred there a few days ago. I had a brilliant idea.

"Hey Luke, by any chance, do you have a date to homecoming ?" I asked shyly. "Well I do now" he winked, "What time should I pick you up?" He smiled.

We discussed the details and exchanged numbers when I realized that it was getting late. "hey I really should get going, but it was so nice to see you !" I smiled and gave him one last hug before meeting with Kylie outside the mall.

We drove home and got ready for the next school day. Once I got home, I was exausted, I placed my dress in my closet before getting ready for bed. Once my head hit the soft pillow, my eyes immediately got heavy, sending me to a deep slumber.


The alarm rang through my ears waking me up. Ugh, school is such a drag, I got up and did my morning routine, which included brushing my teeth and my hair, et cetera. I put on a pair of black skinny jeans along with an olive green muscle tee. As I walked downstairs to get breakfast, I got a message from calum.

'Hey, are we walking together today?'

'Yeah of course:)' I replied.

I grabbed a banana, and ran upstairs. I slipped on my original black converse and grabbed my back pack before heading downstairs to wait for Calum.

About 15 minutes have passed, and I was starting to get a little worried. I was helplessly sitting on my porch steps waiting for Calum, was he even coming anymore ? I decided to text him.

'Hello, dork where you at?'

'Calum Thomas Hood, answer your phone'

'Did you forget about me or something ?'

After repeatedly sending him texts, I decided I should just drive myself to school already. It was already getting late and I couldn't afford getting tarty.

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