Begin Again

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It's rather short, but its worth it.

Taylor's POV

Took a deep breath in the mirror

I took a deep breath in.

I examined myself in the mirror. I had dressed myself up a little today. I had actually run a brush through my hair, and across my teeth. I couldn't remember the last time I had done that. Maybe it was yesterday, could've been last month. All I knew was that I was way too out of it to register anything I was doing.

'Just be yourself' Matt had said. He told me to have fun in my own mind. If I was to have fun, then I would have to wear my favorite shoes. They were heels, but they weren't very dramatic. I knew Dave never liked me wearing them, along with 'Him', but that didn't matter anymore. I mattered. Only me and my mind.

He didn't like it when I wore high heels but I do

I felt a small tingle of excitement in my stomach. Josh wanted to take me out to Prado Cafe. The name sounded foreign on my tongue. It had been well over a year since the last time I had even thought about it. Almost two years had passed since Josh and I had gone there together. The last time being a few days before he cheated on me. I quickly shook those thoughts out of my head.

I felt a little nervous to go though. Being in the public eye meant judgement. And the familiar pattern of emotions from that cafe slowly all came back to me.

I breathed out. I hadn't realized I had still been holding in that same breath, until my lungs started aching.

Taking one last breath of confidence, I walked with a determination to my front door. I pulled it open and stepped out. The world enveloped me. But I didn't let it suffocate me. I saw Josh waiting in the driveway. He had arrived here early, but hadn't rushed me. He probably would've stood there for days until I was ready to come out.

Well I was ready.

You got here early and you stand and wave

I walk to you

He sent a genuine smile my way and waved. I caught it with my own small one, and locked the door. I strolled towards him, taking my time. I had a small spark of confidence, now I had to control it. I couldn't let it escape. I had to keep the fire going.

We walked down Commercial Drive to Prado. I kept my hands in my pockets, and my eyes on the ground. The walk was so familiar. There was the Wednesday bus that rushed by, disturbing the still air. I had missed out on a lot of things when I was holed up in my depression. I was still in there, but this was the first time in a long time where I had voluntarily decided to do something.

The familiar red brick building loomed over us as Josh opened the door and let me in first. I blushed. He was such a gentleman. I was so lucky to have him in my life.

And you don't know how nice that is

But I do

I sat down in the same spot I always sat in. The white chair right by the window in the corner of the café. Josh sat down in the other chair across the table, but moved so that he sat right beside me.

I looked up at the staff area. Behind the cash register stood Niko. He gave me a smile and a small nod. I felt the corner of my mouth rise a little.

I had missed this place. It had been way too long since the last time I had been here. This place was like my fourth home. Along with my house, the studio, and Josh's, this is where I could feel safe and comfortable.

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