Flower Picking ↠ Bokuto Koutarou

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"Please stop picking flowers from my garden" AU. Because I love AUs.

You should really be convincing your mother in getting one of those classic, white picket fences that they show on the television a lot.

Because really, you're getting real tired of the bullshit happening to your precious garden that you have spent hours on making beautiful.

You don't mind the occasional kids playing around the area, or those sweet girls who ask if they can pick a couple flowers to put in their hair. You didn't care for that one middle schooler who asked if he could get some flowers for his science project.

But this was getting ridiculous!

For about a week now, at night, your garden would be completely fine. And then when morning comes, you get dressed, have breakfast, and find yourself completely confused and irritated on why the hell are your roses decreasing in number.

Or tulips. Or daisies. Or violets. Or whatever the hell the mysterious douchebag flower thief, as you chose to address him, decides to pick from your garden this time.

Why would they even want so much flowers in the first place? And without permission too. Did they have a girlfriend or someone they wanted to impress? Geez.. The least he could do was actually buy from a flower shop.

"Mom! It happened again!" Your mother sighs. "Well, we can't help that the flowers are so beautiful- Absolutely anyone would be tempted to pick them."

You frown at your mother. She wasn't really being helpful. Sure, flowers grow back, and it wasn't as if he took away your whole garden. It was just a matter of respect for property that mattered to you. "That doesn't help that the flowers I worked so hard to make bloom are disappearing, mom!"

She laughs. "Well, you can just grow them back, anyway. Which one did they take this time?"

"My chrysanthemums.. A sixth portion of them are gone!" You complain to your mother, who just laughs again at your misery. "You're being more overly dramatic than usual, (First Name)."

"Well, whoever is going to get those flowers must be really lucky." She tells you, getting the watering can from your hands. "I'll do the watering of your garden- you should get to school. You don't want to be late."

You nod dejectedly, going back inside your house to grab your school things. Leaving the house, you wave to your mother. "Bye, mom! Take care of my flowers!" She laughs. "Geez, it's as though she cares more for her flowers than me!" She mumbles to herself, laughing a bit as she watches your figure go farther away from their house.


When you arrive in the classroom, you let out a sigh of relief to find that you still have more or less 10 minutes before class starts. As you walked into the door of Class 3, you take your seat beside Konoha Akinori. He raises an eyebrow at you.

"Woah.. I'm actually earlier than you, and I had practice this morning. What happened, (Last Name)-chan?"

You huff, rather childishly. "The usual happened, that's what." The dirty blond haired boy sniggers at you. "Ah, the flowers again, huh.." He smirks, as if he knows something you don't.

"Hey, Bakanori. What's with that look?" You narrow your eyes in suspicion, only for him to be saved by your teacher walking in the classroom.

"What ever are you talking about, my dear friend?" He replies, before paying attention to the attendance. You curse the Jack of All Trades (but Master of None). Was he the one stealing from your garden? Probably not.. But still, it's as if he had a better idea than you on what was going on.

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