Wedlock ↠ Tsukishima Kei

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Warnings: I don't know what to call this AU, so let's stick with Rich People AU. And also, angst will occur. This is Tsukishima Kei centric until the last bit.


At 22 years of age, Tsukishima Kei had not had many regrets. Being one of the two sons to inherit his grandfather's company, he had been trained at a young age to not make reckless decisions. His mother had hired for him only the best of tutors to help him in developing his skills and in improving his intelligence;

That way, when the time comes for him to help out in the family business, it would be certain that Tsukishima would only make decisions that would benefit the company.

However, as he takes in his surroundings- The rows of pews in which many guests were seated, the flower arrangements, the altar, Tsukishima recalls his biggest regrets that changed his life.


If anything, the decision that ultimately shaped his fate was regret number one; Or rather, the regret that he doesn't really regret as much as he should.

He's 15 when his grandfather chose a fiancee for him, a young lady the same age as him, who went by the name of (First Name). She was the daughter of the President of the (Last Name) Corporations, a good company to have relations with, as the old man had claimed.

His mother gives him a smile of assurance, that he shouldn't worry about her. She tells her youngest son that (Last Name) (First Name) was a beautiful girl, and she was obedient to her parents and received good grades. Kei scoffs, not all that interested in her character or personality.

As long as she's not irritating or hot-headed, the blond thinks he'll be able to do his job of marrying her.

"When will I meet her?" He asks. Though the question would usually imply interest, the meaning underlying within his tone shows that he's only asking in order to write down the information, to reschedule or cancel whatever plans he might have for that time period.

"You'll have lunch with her on the twenty-third. She'll probably be there around noon, so don't be late." He nods. He was supposed to have a meet up with Yamaguchi at that time, too. Kei reminds himself to text Tadashi later to reschedule some other time.

The rest of the week passes by like a blur. He talks to Yamaguchi Tadashi in school, saying with a quickly muttered sorry that he can't meet up with him. The freckled boy only laughs. "It's fine. Tell me about your fiancee later, okay?"

It's the weekend now, and Kei's sitting in the backseat of his car, fixing the collars of his black dress shirt. "You're not going to wear a blazer with that?" His mother had asked him. "No. It's too bothersome. And the weather is too warm for that."

"At least use your contact lenses instead of your glasses. You look even more handsome without them." Kei sighs. "Alright, mom." 

"We're only about five minutes away from The Vintage Ambience restaurant, sir." The driver informs him, and the blond picks up the flower bouquet he had brought earlier and placed it on his lap.

11:45 am. He's a few minutes early when he steps inside the restaurant. The waiter by the door shows him a polite smile. "Do you have reservations, sir?"

"Yes, a reservation for two." The waiter nods. "Under what name?"

"Tsukishima Kei." After a few seconds of double checking, another waiter leads him to his table. "This way, sir." 11:51 am. He takes a sip of his water, glancing at the menu as he waits for (Last Name) (First Name).

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