Fall ↠ Oikawa Tooru

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Quick Note: Almost 20 fics in, and still no Alien loving? I know, shocking. But here you have it! And guess what? It's gonna be angsty. Probably because I sorta based some of the occurrences on my own experiences so yeah. Anyway, I put my heart into this and the events and details all have a reason. I hope you enjoy reading.

P.S. Not in the same universe as the Iwaizumi x Reader I wrote btw


The first time he sees her is in university. He doesn't really see her very often. He was taking up medicine courses, while she was an art major. They never cross paths, and when they do, his eyes do not linger. She was fairly average, nothing to create a fuss about.

While he stood out like a blinding light, she blended with the crowd; she was a grey being suffocated by the reds, blues, and greens around her.

But then she rubbed shoulders with the colours too much. A grey cannot take so much of bright stains on it. A rainbow enveloped her, but not in an embrace; instead, a constricting hold.

And then, the grey one fell.

She collapsed there, overwhelmed by colours she could not compare to. Eyelids shut, hair astray, lips pale,

pulse faint.

A crowd gathers around her, and before he knows it, his book falls from his grasp, as he picks up the woman.

"Don't just stand there! Move! I need to get her to the infirmary!" He shouts, and he ignores the assortment of looks they gave him as he rushes past them, worried for the health of a girl he previously had no interest in.

He's running as fast as he can; it's as if he's on a timer that's going

tick tock,

tick tock,

tick tock.

And in a messed up way, he sort of is. He doesn't know anything about her, after all, which makes this all the more dangerous. He does not know how severe her condition is.

So when he pushes past the door of the infirmary, his breath is heaving heavily, his heart pulsating quickly. But he cares not for that.

"Nurse! Get this girl to a bed now!"

He can see that the old woman almost wants to cuss him out for being impolite- until she sees the unconscious state of the girl in his arms.

"Shit. Put her there, I need to get the equipment." With one hand, she points at the nearest empty bed. When a pair of nurses begin to check on her, the curtains close on him, and instead of heading back to his classes, he finds himself waiting for her.

Waiting to see if she was fine.


One hour. An hour of sitting anxiously outside the infirmary. His eyes were not even paying attention to his phone anymore. His head was filled with thoughts on what could have possibly caused her to faint so suddenly.

Claustrophobia maybe? There was quite a crowd a while ago, and she was stuck right in the middle.

Dehydration could also result to fainting as a symptom. Her lips seemed rather dry, but he wasn't exactly able to get a good look.

His raging thoughts vanish when the elderly nurse steps outside, somewhat surprised to still see him there. "Your girlfriend will be fine, lad. She's awake now. You can talk to her for a while, but she needs rest."

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