New Years Party ↠ 3rd Gym

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Quick Note: Happy New Years Eve/Day everyone! I can't believe it's 2017 already. ANYWAY, just wanted to make a cutesy + harem-ish special so here!


Being away from home during the holidays was really bringing your mood down.

It's already rare for you to see your family, ever since leaving your hometown for university in Tokyo. In those times, you always managed to find a way to return back home in time for the holidays.

The same could not be said this year.

The office you worked at was having a crisis that could potentially bring the company to shut down if not resolved. Many jobs would be lost, including your own, and so you were obligated to stay and help find solutions to the problem.

While your boss did pay you a good compensation fee as an apology, it still didn't help that you could have been elsewhere than work.

Flights booked, and heavy traffic in the streets, you have no choice but to head home.

To a lonely apartment.

Great. Looking forward to that.

You almost wonder if you're celebrating your New Years watching anime and eating chips when you hear someone call out your name.

"(L/N)-san." The politeness and the familiar voice already makes it evident to you that your co-worker was talking to you.

"Akaashi-kun, it's been a while! How's your holidays so far?"

Your very pretty co-worker - you still cant get over how pretty he is, co-worker smiles slightly.

"I heard about the company crisis. Sorry I wasn't there to help troubleshoot, I got permission from the boss to take an early leave to visit my family."

You laugh, somewhat bitter about the fact that Akaashi got to visit his family.

Then again, maybe you should've womaned up and asked your boss for an early leave too, instead of being too scared to face him.

Baka (F/N).


"It's fine! Hey, who knows, I might get a promotion for helping out!" You laugh, trying to be more light-hearted.

"You're hardworking, so probably." Your face flushes at the compliment, but if he asks, you'll blame it that your body felt the cold and reacted instantaneously.

Yeah, as if he's gullible enough to believe that.

"What about you?" You tilt your head slightly in confusion. "Huh?"

"Your holidays." You purse your lips. Ohh. Probably should pay more attention.

"Could be better. I'm spending New Years alone this year. My family's house is hours away from here."

He furrows his eyebrows, as he seems to think about something.

"Um, Akaa-"

"Would you like to go to my apartment?"

You freeze, and if your face wasn't red before from the cold and compliment from Akaashi, well it damn is right now.

Shit man, his words are so giving you the wrong idea. Like you two are friends but you haven't been to his place before? What?

You just blink at him, and your lack of response causes Akaashi to add more context to his wording.

"My friends and I are having a small party. Nothing extravagant."

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