Chapter Five - Broken

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Zoe's POV


We all ran in to see them bickering. They were both staring at a lamp that had fallen.

"What in the world happened??" Louis exclaimed.

Niall and Harry looked at me as if too shy to say it in front of me. "Well, uhh, Niall pushed me and I, sorta uhhh fell?"

Liam rolled his eyes. "Are we just gonna stand here or clean this up?"

"What the mess or the broken lamp?" Zayn smirked. We all looked at him. He put his hands up in defense. "I had too! You can't miss a good pun..." He shrugged.

"I don't think I should stay long... you obviously fight whenever I'm present." I cut in.

"No - wait." Niall gently grabbed me shoulder. I flinched. Ucch! I have horrible instincts! They all noticed it - I'm sure but decided to brush it off.

"Can you stay for a bit?" Niall asked his beautiful blue eyes begging. I stared into them, feeling weak at his sadness. Sighing, I nodded.

"Just- please. Stop." I whispered softly. Niall nodded and so did Harry.

After a while of silence, the doorbell rang. "Who's that?" Zayn wondered.

"I think I know who..." Harry smirked. He rushed to the door and we all followed close behind. He flung open the door and the one and only Ed Sheeran was smiling brightly.

"ED!" Liam shouted.

"Hi boys!" He laughed.

"Come in, come in!" Harry ushered, leading him to the lounge area.

"So, how've you been?" Liam questioned.

"Pretty well, actually. I had some time before rehearsal so I thought I'd stop by. I knew you guys had just finished your tour so I wanted to know how that went."

"Oh, it was absolutely fantastic! The United States was amazing and so was Australia!" Louis exclaimed.

"That's great! So the premier's coming soon, are you excited?"

"Who wouldn't be?" Niall joked. We all laughed.

"Pardon me, but who's this?" Ed directed to me.

"I'm Zoe-"

"She's a close friend." Niall helped me and tossed me a cheeky smile. I blushed.

"Oh that's cool. Where are you from?"

"New York. But I moved to England not too long ago - almost a year now."

"I knew you were from New York! You're accent's lovely by the way."

"I can say the same about you." I chuckled.

"I like her." Ed smiled, laughing shortly after that. Ed's phone started to ring.

"Hello?" He answered. After a while of blabbering from the other end - Ed sighed. "Alright. Bye."

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

"They've bumped my rehearsal earlier so I can rest for tomorrow's concert."

"Oh, that's a shame." Harry sighed.

"Yeah... but it's all for good reasons." Ed said as we all walked him to the door.

"Well stop by again sometime. Hopefully we'll have more time." Zayn commented as Ed was out the door.

"Definitely." Ed nodded then waved, disappearing into the elevator. Liam shut the door and we just stood there.

"Umm, Zoe didn't you want to chat?" Niall questioned.

"Oh." I had forgotten all about that. I felt my heart sink. "Yeah."

Niall and I walked into his bedroom. He leaned against the doorway while I sat on the bed. I twiddled with my fingers. Sighing, he shut the door and walked over to me, sitting on the bed. He put his hand on my knee I tried to restrain myself from jumping. Guess how that ended.

I stared at his hand and then looked up to his eyes. "I-" I started but my voice caught in my throat. I swallowed and then looked to the floor. He grabbed my chin gently and turned my head towards him.

"You don't have to be afraid." He whispered. I realized a tear had escaped. I'm such a crybaby. I turned away from his grasp and hugged my knees.

"I'm sorry."

"For what, love?"

"Everything." I managed to murmer. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I stiffened but relaxed after a while. I seemed melt into his grip. "I can't-" I stopped and pulled away. "I can't-" I kept trying to say it but my heart seemed to tug at the words.

"You can't what?" He stroked my cheek but I turned away.

"I'm sorry I'm so in denial." I said still turned away.

"Don't say that." He said and waited for a minute or two. "Zoe," He started. I looked at him. "I want to help."

I breathed an unsteady sigh. "Everyone does. But nothing will fix it." I said weakly. He stayed silent for a long time - what seemed enternity. I didn't avert from his eyes and neither did he from mine. He started to lean in and I panicked. He was inches away and I was frozen - not knowing what to do.

"N-Niall." I managed to squeak. He opened his eyes and backed away. Red rose to his cheeks and I instantly regretted my desision. I wanted to groan in frustration but held back - replacing it with a sigh. "I'm so sorry - i just- I just don't know if- sorry..." I stuttered. I'm such an idiot. I stood up and walked to the door but stopped there - glancing at Niall.

He was looking at the ground thinking over what had just happened. Oh my god I'm so stupid. I just- ugh!! "It's not you- I swear." I commented. He looked up at me for a second then looked back down. I took up all my courage and walked back over - kissing him on the cheek. "Maybe that'll convince you." I said and walked out calmly. I grabbed my purse off the kitchen counter.

"Bye, boys!" I called to the group whom were all sucked into the TV. They waved not taking their eyes off the screen except Harry. I tried to show no emotion what so ever but I think I failed. I gave up and gave him a smile. He smiled back, his cute little dimples appearing. He waved and I waved, walking out the door and down the eleavator.


Wow. So a lot happened. So, uhh, yeah.

Emotions right, bro? lol

 Shout out to Gotta_Love_Glitter !! Thank you so much for following and commenting. :)

Enjoy :D

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