Chapter Nine - Came To Me

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Zoe's POV


Why? Why did I have to let love into my life? I was doing perfectly without it. I mean I had friends but that was a different love.

That's all I really had in my life after- never mind. Let's not think of that shall we?

Once that left my mind - it didn't matter. Only bad thoughts would fill those thoughts like a flooded river.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Ugh." I groaned and looked at the ceiling. It's my fault for falling again. I promised I wouldn't. Ever. Ever again. Why did I break it? Why did I even try to fill my heart when it would end up with more loss?

There's only so much room for loss. And my heart couldn't possibly, physically and emotionally, hold anymore.

And that pressed with the hate? Oh, gosh, I'm surprised I'm still here. But I'll be strong. As long as I hide the razors and knifes...

Niall's POV


I wanted to punch a wall. Harry just pisses me off, more than anyone could imagine. He'll steal her. I just know it. And now we both can't have her? And after the whole thing before that?

Stupid. Idiotic. Common sense, Harry. Use it.

"Niall?" Louis wondered. I looked up and realized I had been mumbling.

"What?" i growled harshly. I didn't mean it to come out that way. But it didn't matter. Nothing did.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"Why do you care?"

"Niall... You and the boys are my main mates. I hate to see you like this. I'd like to help if I could."

"Ahhh, I guess your sentence works with everyone. Put yourself in my shoes and then tell me if you've ever felt like this. Cause I'm pretty sure it's hard to reach this much anger and- and-" I stopped and eyed him carefully and he leaned against the couch.

He finally looked at me and gave me a small smile but gave no word. But then he glanced at the front door and his smile grew wider.

Confused, I turned to the door and saw Claire. She smiled at me. "I have someone for you." She giggled. I raised an eyebrow, my heart lifting. But I shouldn't get my hopes up.

"Go on." I urged her.

"I knew you'd be interested by now," She turned her back towards us and dragged Zoe into the room.

I felt the urge to run up to her and hug her but stopped myself as we both stared at each other with sorry eyes, mixed with sadness, and anger, and more.

"We'll leave you two alone." Claire said and followed Louis out of the room. They left and time had passed by - no words were spoken just the sound of breathing.

"I'm sorry." We said in unison and chortled. I wasn't sure if I could hug her but she came to me before I had any further thoughts.

"I thought it over and- I know you and Harry are still bickering- but I realized that- ehhmm, when you're gone- I'm- just- totally a horrible, terrible, wrecked up mess. I need you." Zoe breathed.

"I-" I started but couldn't find words - shocked at her speech. Say something, Horan!! Her expression changed into worried and sad. Oh no - she thinks I changed my mind. "Me too!" I gushed. "I mean - I don't need myself- I need you- I-" I stuttered. She laughed.

"You're too cute." She pinched my cheek. I chuckled and shook my head - more to myself. I'm an idiot but I think we established that long ago.


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