Chapter Six - He'll Make It

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**Before we start - VERY IMPORTANT!! Ok so I always listen to pandora whenever I'm writing so a lot of songs have come up about this story that I think would be perfect for the story. I think pandora reads my mind like I'm DEAD serious I will not and have not written anything purposely about these songs so... this is the main important part - I will put a song for each chapter to the right (if you are on the computer)

This song will be in Zoe's preference just so ya know. Some of them will be in Niall's preference but not this one. This one is Zoe.


Zoe's POV


It was around midnight and I was trying to sleep but I had everything on my mind. I needed to be more open to him I needed-

My phone buzzed - waking me from my thoughts. Unknown caller.

"Hello?" I mumbled, my voice groggy from not talking in a while and because I was half asleep.

"Hey! It's Ed!"

"Uhh, hi. Why are you calling me this late? And don't tell me it's..."

"Yeah... it is..."

"Did he tell you what happened?"


"Not a surprise... so why?"

"He wants to talk to you again."

"Ummm, alright."

"So, ehm, do you want his number?"

"He already has it, doesn't he?"

"Well Louis does but he went somewhere - I don't know. Niall knew but didn't tell me."

"Oh, alrighty then. Thank you Ed!"

"Alright great. Thanks." He exclaimed and hung up.

Seconds later, my phone  was dialing Niall's number. I didn't have to wait long.

"Hi." The familiar Irish accent sounded.

"I'm sorry."

"No, no, don't be. I understand. I didn't mean to come on like that... you were just so beautiful and... I'm rambling again, aren't I?" He questioned with a laugh. I chuckled.

"I think it's cute." I commented, a goofy smile on my face which i'm sure he was mimicking. There was awkward silence until he decided to break it.

"Would you- I- uhh-"

"What's a matter?"

"Eh, it's nothing. Stupid really."

"i bet nooooot!" I sang. He laughed.

"Nah. I pretty sure it's nothing."

"Here, I have an idea. If you tell me, I'll go for coffee with you in the morning."

"I'll tell you then."

"Alright. Now, if you don't mind I'm going to get my rest. Good night."

"Night." He said and hung up.

Good. This'll be fantastic. My mind off of everything - it'll just be Niall and I. And our coffee of course.


I tapped my fingers on the table anxiously, coffee in hand and waiting for Niall.

Is he not gonna show up? This is horrible... Thirty minutes late. But I won't let that bother me. Nope. Not ever. This is my chance to make up for everything I've done.

Minutes later, I checked my phone after staring at life around me. Forty five minutes.

I dozed off.

It's been fifty minutes since I got here.

Got breakfast/ lunch - starved since I thought I'd eat with Niall too. Too late for that...

It's been an hour and fifteen now...

I sighed and checked my phone to see if he sent me anything. Nope.

"Hey." Someone unknown said and I flicked my head up. It was the waiter. I nodded at him. "You've been here a while... Are you supposed to meet someone?" He questioned sweetly.

"I-I'm supposed to but..."

"You don't have to say anymore." He nodded sympathetically. "Mind if I...?" He gestered toward the seat.

"Go ahead." I nodded.

"Thanks." He smiled and sat down, wiping his hands on his apron. "I'm sorry he hasn't shown."

"Eh, it's fine. I'm sure he'll make it." I shrugged. i looked at him and he wasn't convinced. He gave me a sympathetic look and sighed.

"I hate to tell you... I don't think he's coming..." He broke to me softly. I nodded, tears pushed at the brim of my eyes. "I'll leave you to you. Have a wonderful day." He patted my hand, got up and went back behind the cash register.

I took a shaky breath, grabbed my clutch purse, while tossing my phone in it and then throwing my cold coffee and wrapper away. I wiped a tear with my wrist, that had fallen and watched the floor as I  pushed through the coffee shop door.

I bumped into someone and my head shot up. I gasped and wrapped my arms around the beautiful Irish - him doing the same.

"Niall!" I gaped. We rocked back and forth and then just held each other. "I thought you'd never show." I mumbled into the dip of his neck.

"I'm so sorry, Zoe. So, so, so sorry." He said and we let go. I guided him to my booth and we both sat down across from each other. He fiddled with his thumbs, stopped and then looked up at me with apologetic eyes. "I woke up late and then decided to walk because there was so much traffic and then got caught by many fans here and there and I rushed through it to get to you but I felt so bad for everyone and I'm such a terrible person and-" He rambled and I touched his hand quickly and then took it away to get his attention.

"I don't care about your excuse..." I started and saw his face drop. "Because I just want right now. I don't want to live in the past because of many things. And I'm happy where I am - right now." I gave him a soft smile. He smiled and I couldn't have felt more happy.

The waiter - from before - came up to us and smiled at me, then Niall - his pen and paper out and ready. Niall gave him a suspicous look because he smiled at me for a long time. "She's a keeper, mate." He gave him a quick nod.


"Bye, love." He whispered before we let go of our hug. We both parted our ways, him crossing the street to the left and me heading off right.

I was smiling goofily and as happy as could be. He had asked me on a date - our second if you call coffee a date. He said he wanted to make it up to me. So sweet. And funny. And handsome. Everything.

And I think that-- I'm falling for him.

Kisses xxWhere stories live. Discover now