Chapter 2

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It had been two days since the alchemist had laid out his plans, and the imps had immediately become a nuisance for Norrisville, Amity Park, and surrounding cities. More and more places were getting hit; cars and valuables ransacked and destroyed, damages to buildings increasing. Whenever the creatures had been fought off, they disappeared into thin air without so much as a trace or a hint.

They then came back the next day. Worse yet, no one knew where they were coming from and why they were attacking at all, and Norrisville and Amity Park were among the most attacked. The heroes of each respective place were frustrated; at least once a day they'd be attacked by them, fight them off, and then they'd disappear. Couldn't do a thing about it.

In Norrisville, Randy Cunningham and Howard Weinerman crowded in Randy's room as the Ninja lamented the situation. "I don't get it, Howard," he groused, tugging at his hair with an eye twitching, "they're not robots or stanked kids. What do I do? I can't just keep letting it happen. It's my duty as the Ninja."

Howard rolled his eyes. "Why are you asking me, Randy? What the juice are they, anyways? They're like elves or even ghosts or something and they just disappear when hit. I have no idea what to do." His eyes fell on the Nomicon in Randy's lap. "Have you looked in there yet?"

Randy looked down at it and then blinked, a bit embarrassed. ""

"Then what the juice, man? Open it." Howard insisted. The Nomicon flashed and Randy opened it hastily. Immediately his eyes went crossed, jaw loose, and his head fell onto it. He found himself falling through it, through words and images and ending by landing on a rough dirt ground. With a blink, he sighed and stood up. He brushed himself off and spoke.

"Nomicon, I don't know what these things are. They're not usual Sorcerer-grade stanked people. In fact, they're not stanked people at all. I don't know where they're coming from and I don't know why they're coming. What do I do?"

An image formed a little ways away from him and Randy watched in silence, crossing his arms. There was a ninja who pulled off his mask, revealing a young man no more than seventeen years old. He had curly dark brown hair and gray eyes, and he was muscled and toned. His clothes were very old fashioned; brown coat, breeches, and white culottes. A young woman appeared beside him, with blonde hair curled tightly against her scalp, hair not powdered. Her dress was fairly simple, light gray close-bodied gown.

Another man, this one also with a dancing partner, appeared. The girl with him argued and then stormed off, leaving the man heartbroken. With a puff of green smoke, he was stanked, transforming him into a colossal monster, tearing at his fine suit. Cockily, young man who happened to be the ninja of the time's voice became heard. The voice was booming and yet silvery. "I can best this monster without the suit. Watch me."

"William, no," the woman pleaded, her voice tremulous, "without it, you will die."

"Victoria, my darling, you must trust me as I have trusted you with my secret all these years."

"Will-" Her pleas fell upon deaf ears as he tossed the mask into her hands and faced the stanked man. Randy's eyes widened.

"Oh, that is not a good idea. He's not really gonna try that is he?...He's not, right?"

William stabbed the monster in the knee with a dagger. It roared, lifted its fist up, and Randy gasped and looked away as it came down. "Is it over? 'Cause that can't have been a pretty scene."

He received no answer and opened his eyes. The last image was Victoria nervously facing the monster when the mask flashed. Hesitantly, she pulled it over her head, transforming her immediately into the new Ninja. It faded and the scene was gone, and although slightly interested by the tale, he gave an irritated groan. "Come on, Nomicon, what does that have to do with the...thingies?"

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