Chapter 11

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It took no time at all once the food had arrived for multiple ravenous teenagers to begin their feast. Maddie and Jack hadn't had so much as a surprised reaction at how much they could eat. They as parents had two teenagers, and one of which was a superhero with an incredibly fast metabolism.

Danny's father looked at his son proudly as he dug into another piece of pizza. "He's growing up so fast. Danny's got the appetite of a Fenton. A regular chip off the old block." He said as he got up to reach for more food. He patted his son's back as he walked. The other teens snickered, and Danny blushed, but said nothing.

Jake swallowed a piece of pepperoni. "Hey, thanks for the food, Mr. and Mrs. F." he said with a smile. Maddie smiled back.

"Oh, it's no problem...your name was Jake, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Jacob Long, but I prefer Jake."

"No problem, Jake." Maddie said cheerfully. Jack turned his head and gave Jake, Spud, Trixie, Randy, and Howard a curious and friendly look.

"Say, we haven't seen you kids around Amity Park before you started working with our son and his friends. Are you new here?" he inquired. The kids shared a look and finally Trixie beamed nonchalantly.

"Yeah, we are. We came right on down from New York City."

"What she said." Spud said as he pointed a thumb at her, and Jake sighed a little in relief. Howard cleared his throat.

"And we're, Mr. and Mrs. Fenton, from a city just a few miles away from Norrisville. Not actually Norrisville."

"Yeah, a city just a few miles away. But it's a really small city no one cares about." Randy furthered.

"A tiny city." Howard agreed with a decisive nod.

"A very tiny city." Randy finished, emphasizing the word very. Jazz rolled her eyes, choosing to rest her mind in a book with her, ignoring the situation. Although Maddie and Jack seemed slightly nonplussed by Randy and Howard's hasty cover, they shrugged it off.

"How interesting," Maddie said calmly, "you're both from...nice places."

"Norrisville especially," Jack mused, "home of the Ninja and McFist Industries; my best friend Vlad Masters hates that McFist guy. Must be interesting, almost as interesting as Amity Park. We have ghosts!" he stated proudly. Randy's eyes practically popped out of their head.

"Wait a minute. You mean the Vlad Masters?"

"As in, the Vlad Masters who has a rivalry with Hannibal McFist?" Howard asked, eyes also widened. Jack again bobbed his head proudly.

"That's the guy! Good friend of mine. He and McFist hate each other because they want to own each other's corporations, but the government won't allow either one to buy the other. Something about making their industry a monopoly or something or other." Jack explained with a shrug. Then his eyes narrowed, his eyebrows furrowed, and his smile fell into a frown. "Because Vladdy's my best friend, I share his enemies. Therefore, I also dislike McFist. I don't allow any of his products in our home. Speaking of which, neither of you use his products, do you?" he asked, hands curled up into a fist, elbows touching the tabletop, his fist supporting his head.

Randy and Howard blanched and were about to vehemently lie and deny it when Maddie stepped in. She gave her husband a cross look and pushed his fist away from his chin. "Jack, don't ask the guests that. It's very rude and none of our business."

Her husband sighed. "You're right. Sorry, kids."

"No problem." Randy said anxiously. When Jack looked away to again reach for the pizza box, Maddie rolled her eyes, but acted like nothing had happened at all when he turned back to the table. Randy and Howard quickly shot Danny a suspicious look. Danny leaned over to Randy's ear.

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