Chapter 10

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Randy, for the second time today, was fighting a herd of imps. It was annoying, tedious work, and he hated it. The small creatures were swift and scratched and bit, and they just kept coming. It was lunch hour; the first time they had attacked was just prior to first period, forcing an already groggy ninja to fight.

Most students had fled by now, screaming at the top of their lungs. The principal's car had already been smashed in combat, a few trees uprooted with dirt hanging in clumps from the base, a few broken windows; the usual. Only one student remained: Theresa Fowler.

Theresa had climbed up the only tree still firmly rooted, swatting at the final two little devils with her baton. They floated in front of her, trying to snap at her as she bonked one on the head with the baton as the other bit firmly down onto it. As Randy rushed forth to save her, his mind was riddled with thoughts, running becoming subconscious. Aside from the scamps, no students had been stanked, he realized. No robots from McFist, nothing...he frowned as he reached the tree.

He swung his scarf around one gnawing the baton, tying around its neck. It hacked and faded away and the scarf fell down. The last imp looked to Randy, its snow white, pupil-less eyes widened. It screeched and tried to flee, but the Ninja was faster. He jumped forth, tackled it, and pushed it to the ground. As he put all his weight onto it, it faded as they all did.

Work done, he turned around to see the baton twirler, hair frazzled and messy, eyes wide and yet her lips curled up in a sincere smile. "Thank you, Ninja! Can you please help me down?"

"With pleasure." Randy hopped to the branch level she was on, plucked her off, and swept down to the ground and gently put her down. For a moment, he sighed with pleasure. The scent of something he couldn't quite place (maybe some perfume with vanilla scent) wafted to his nostrils. When her feet touched the ground, he cleared his throat and looked at her with half-lidded eyes carrying dark bags. "Can I ask you a few questions before you go, please?" he asked politely.

"Of course, Ninja." Theresa affirmed, using the hem of her skirt to begin wiping saliva off her baton. She stopped as the saliva began to glow slightly and she grimaced and stopped. Randy scratched the back of his neck.

"Refresh my memory, have there been any students turning into monsters or robots this week?" he asked. He had to; perhaps he just forgot about those issues in his stress over the little ghost monsters. Theresa shook her head.

"Uh-uh. Not since those things have been coming." she said quietly. Randy's frown deepened, but she didn't notice; his mask hid it.

"Thank you for your time. Smokebomb!" He tossed a smoke bomb to the ground and disappeared in its wake. Mere moments later Randy Cunningham, mask safely tucked into his backpack, walked into the high school. He didn't even notice his own feet taking him to the cafeteria. His mind was somewhere else. Eyes looked down to the ground.

The doors of the cafeteria swung open for him and he came in, finding his way to where Howard was eating. The aforementioned friend waved to him and he waved back, not really realizing he was lifting his hand. His backpack found its place on the floor, and Randy swung his legs over the seat. The Ninja's elbows bent against the tabletop and his palms supported his head, eyes now drifting out the nearest window.

Howard had noticed. He paused, place down the sandwich he was eating, and swallowed. His head cocked to the side a bit, with a small frown. "Randy?"

"Yeah?" Randy didn't look up as he responded.

"Are you okay?"

"Fine. Kind of." Randy finally folded his arms on the table and rested his head on his arms. His head turned to Howard. "I'm just...I'm just really anxious. Wanna know what I realized today? I realized that since those things came, the Sorcerer and McFist have been completely silent. Nothing's happened." He sat up straight, folded arms against his chest. "The question is why? Why haven't they attacked?"

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