Chapter 16

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"Let's have at it, then!"

No sooner than did William give the word did all the little drooling monsters rush forth. Sam and Tucker immediately began shooting at the creatures with their wrist rays, effectively knocking back or even causing a few to immediately disappear. Trixie and Spud had produced some strange sort of magic from their bag, as they were now shrouded in green magic. They charged through them like a herd of elephants, consistently defeating multiples of them. Lao Shi was fighting as only a dragon could: fire breath, kicking, and even scratching with powerful claws.

Howard was new to combat. However, when the first imp charged at him, he panicked and punched it as hard as he could. With the strength he had, it resulted in an audible cracking noise, and the enemy immediately faded away. As that one had attacked, another came up and tried to bite Howard's arm to no avail.

With new confidence, Howard clenched his fist and hit the biter on top of the head. It faded, and he had not even a bite mark left. Grinning proudly, he charged in like a rhino, headbutting countless enemies and punching and kicking the ones that tried to bite him or fly on top of him.

That left Jake, Danny, and Randy to focus on William. They chose to ignore his minions and rushed forth in an all-out attack. William smirked and and instantly faded from view. None of the trio could slow down fast enough, and they all screamed and crashed against the hard stone wall, falling down upon each other in a heap.

They lifted their heads up and all gave low moans, gripping their heads in pain. William appeared behind them, merely wagging his index finger forward, inviting another attack. Enraged and embarrassed, the boys foolishly charged at him again. William vanished again, leading the boys to crash in a heap again at the opposite wall. In their tumbling and falling, they knocked through a few minions and managed to trip Howard, who was thrown back by the speed of their impact. He howled in alarm as he flattened an imp behind him. The imp squeaked helplessly under his weight and faded.

The irrational superheroes, growing weary of slamming into walls, moaned and groaned again as they untangled themselves. William became visible a few feet away and he howled with laughter. "Please, boys, keep at it. This is nothing but fun for me."

"It's all fun and games until someone gets knocked off his high horse." Danny retorted lamely. Randy and Jake gave Danny a very unimpressed stare. Randy hauled himself to his feet and pulled a sickle attached to a chain from his suit. He twirled it and threw it.

"Ninja Chain Sickle!"

The sickle wrapped around William. The enemy hardly even reacted. He merely phased it off effortlessly. Randy weakly pulled the sickle back. Jake spat a ball of fire at the adversary, who stayed intangible and crossed his arms, feigning a yawn. Danny's eyes flashed brightly, and he narrowed them with a deepening scowl. "You two. Hold onto me."

Although not sure what he was doing, neither of the two argued. They grabbed his arms and Danny turned himself invisible, turning them invisible as well. Within seconds, the allies fighting the imps began to disappear from the battlefield with wide eyes of bafflement. Soon enough none of them were left, and consequently all the imps stopped. They glanced around the room, looking for them. William finally stopped smiling, all the joy of mocking gone. He glowered at his creatures.

"Don't let your guard down. They haven't left the room at all. When they reappear, I want all of you to-" He was halted by a tremendous weight crashing down on him. All of the heroes became visible and fell on top of him, nailing him to the floor. William coughed and grimaced.

"Clever..." He flew through them and floated above them. "You'll never-"

The group faded from view again and seconds later attempted to drop on him. William darted away, leaving Danny with only seconds to spare to slow their descent to the hard ground below. Sam and Tucker hopped off of him, landing on their feet, weapons already poised and ready to shoot. Lao flew off and charged through the army. Trixie and Spud floated off with the magic they were given and continued the battle. Danny turned everyone visible, finally stopping inches from the ground. Howard, who had been clinging to his arm, let go. He fell on his rump and grunted, picking himself up.

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