Chapter 4

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The Ghost Zone was eerily quiet, at least more than usual. Sure, there was the occasional howling or booing or other lovely notes in the air, but those were absent. Not a single one other than Danny himself had been spotted, and all were in their lairs and weren't coming out anytime soon. By now Danny and his friends could expect to be pestered by at least one or two ghosts, but no, not a soul even came near them.

Sam and Tucker manned the Specter Speeder as Danny floated ahead of them to keep an eye out for dangers. He dodged a glob of ectoplasm floating above and pulled the mic attached to his headphones closer. "Where is everyone?"

"I don't know. Ever since those started attacking daily, they've been absent." Sam said, playing with a ghost radar that only picked up her friend. Tucker turned the wheel as Danny turned a corner around a small door.

"Maybe they're hiding?" he suggested. Danny shrugged.

"That's the weird thing. Why are they hiding? I mean, they're irritating, destructive, and hostile, but they're not too difficult to defeat."

"Actually, they are." Sam countered, "They keep coming back over and over again in full force, as if they'd never been defeated at all. That makes them difficult and a threat."

"You're right." Danny replied.

"I'm always right." Sam said with a laugh.

"That you are." The ghost boy smiled at her and she blushed slightly.

Tucker sighed at the exchange. "Lovebirds." he said dryly, knowing fully well the response he'd get back.

"We're not lovebirds!" they both shouted at him. He rolled his eyes and did not respond. Sam and Danny, both flustered, said nothing as well as they continued on. Eventually Danny spoke again after composing himself.

"I think we're almost here. I can see it."

It happened to be Clockwork's tower. The trio had figured if anyone had an answer to the problem, it was him. It was vague at a distance, but it became clearer as they approached. Finally they pulled up, got out of the speeder, and entered the tower. Two observants were already waiting at the door, and as soon as they thrust it open, they spoke.

"Clockwork is expecting the three of you. Come." With a shared look, they began to follow the observants through the tower, which was much larger than it appeared on the outside. Clocks and screens and all sorts of trinkets lined the walls as they ventured through, and finally they got to a large corridor when the observants stopped and flew off. Clockwork was facing them, shifting from an old man to a child.

"Welcome," he said calmly, "I know the nature of your business. William the Forgotten."

"William the who?" Danny asked.

"Have any of you heard of the Ninja of Norrisville?" the ghost inquired. All three nodded.

"Of course, how could we not?" Tucker replied, "The Ninja's known worldwide. Why?"

Clockwork sighed. "You all must listen closely and carefully. What I am about to tell you is usually knowledge strictly for the Ninja. As such, you cannot speak a word of any of this to anyone. Do you understand?" They nodded. "Good. The Ninja had been around for a long time, but it isn't the same person. Every four years a new one is chosen. Way back when in the eighteenth century, a ninja was almost done with his four-year duty. He was good and did his job, but he suffered from a flaw that was fatal in the end."

"What was it?" Sam's eyes were wide with curiosity.

"Pride and cockiness. He believed he was invincible. So he attempted to fight a monster without the Ninja suit. What happened was he got killed in the attempt. His girlfriend immediately took over so his enemy did not win, but William- that was his name- was plunged into the Ghost Zone." Clockwork shook his head and sighed.

"So why bother everyone else? How is it our fault?" Tucker asked.

"You'll see why soon enough." Clockwork said simply and calmly.

"Okay," Danny looked up at Clockwork, who had now shifted into an old man. "so where's his lair? How do I defeat him?" he snapped impatiently. Clockwork held up a hand.

"Patience, Daniel. He's creating more of his own soldiers by the minute, and to rush in there unprepared with just your two friends is dangerous and will result in failure. No. You need to ally yourself with the Ninja and the American Dragon. Together your powers are enough to stop him permanently. When the time comes, I will pinpoint his location for you."

Danny groaned, but nodded in disappointment. Clockwork knew all, and if that was the best option, he would just agree. The master of time was a bit proud of Danny for this. He knew he would be upset that he couldn't go fight right away, but he was mature enough to acknowledge the master of time's wisdom. Sam finally popped a question that had been nagging the minds of the three friends.

"Who's the American Dragon?" Sam asked, crossing her arms.

"Better yet, what's the American Dragon?" Tucker furthered the question, glancing at Danny. His friend shrugged, confirming he didn't know any more than Tucker did. Clockwork approached a screen on the wall and waved his staff over it. On it came an aerial view of a marketplace of sorts filled with all sorts of magical, mythical creatures; centaurs, mermaids, goblins, fairies, wizards, and more. All three of the friends crowded around the screen. Their eyes went wide and their jaws loose, pulling closer and staring as creatures went about their business.

"This is also a secret that I share with very few. There is a magical community all across the world. There are also humans who are dragons, capable of transforming into a dragon to defend the magical community." He nodded with a smile at his own words. "Each country or region has their own dragon to defend them. The United States has recently gotten their first American Dragon." He waved his staff again and changed the screen to Jake Long, who transformed into a dragon with waves of a strange blue smoke rolling over his skin, leaving scales in its wake.

The watching teenagers were mystified. "He lives in New York and that's the next place going to be attacked by the soldier imps. You're going to get him and Randy Cunningham, the new Ninja, and work together."

Danny cocked his head and rubbed the back of his neck. "But how? Both of those places are in opposite directions from Amity Park and hours away. It'd be difficult to bring them both to my home."

"I thought ahead." Clockwork clapped his hands and an observant appeared, handed him two shiny badges, and faded away. The badges were beautiful; one red had the mark of the Ninja, and the other was in the shape of a Chinese dragon. He gave them to Danny. "These have been enchanted so the dragon brooch will teleport you to Jake and back to your room at your home, and the other teleports you to Randy Cunningham and also back to your room. They can bring more than one person with them if used when someone else is hanging onto you. Give them to their respective heroes and if you work together, you can stop William the Forgotten."

Sam approached and looked over them. "Why don't Tucker and I head back to your house while you go get the others and we'll meet up in your room?" she suggested. Danny nodded.

"Sounds good."

Sam and Tucker left the tower, and Danny was about to activate the Ninja's brooch. Clockwork spoke once more. "Randy and his friend Howard, who will also want to come with, won't be too difficult to persuade to come along. However, Jake Long and his grandfather will be more difficult. Promise to have a word with the Dragon Council, even if you have no idea what that is, and to bring Jake back by six p.m. His grandfather will allow it, although reluctantly."

"Got it."

"Good luck."

Danny concentrated and rubbed his thumb over the mark of the Ninja. To his surprise, he was engulfed immediately by green light and the next thing he knew he was in Randy Cunningham's messy bedroom, being stared at by two dumbfounded teenagers.

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