Ancient Ruins

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My walls are covered with lies and structured with the truth. But no matter how many times I tell the truth, there's nothing I can do. All my secrets lie in you all so no one can find the proof. I've built walls to the sky, I've told lies to cover lies. But it's only to protect this treasure that I'm hiding from you. I know you have what it takes to take what doesn't belong to you. I know you can break it. I know you can fake it. I know your lies are what develops you, but mine is developed by truth. I suppose that's why I like you and allowed you in. Now instead of leaving, you've made this your home. You know all of my secrets, now there's no where to roam. Your lies were deceiving, you were bored and alone. So you left me here grieving in this fucked up house you call home. You took what was never yours. You took something I adored, and as I watched the walls I built crumble to the ground, you were already out the door. Now the only thing you dwell on, is my soul and my mind. That's when I began to lose track of time. Because you took the only thing that filled this hole in me, I now have to search for a new mystery. But I miss the other half of me. Eternity felt like a catastrophe. I was there when you needed me, but when I need you...You were gone.

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