For What It's Worth

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It wasn't worth it. Telling you wasn't worth it. Telling you wasn't worth us never talking again. I'd take it back in a heart beat if I knew that there would be a small chance of a different outcome. Now I'm running out of time and desperately seeking to talk to you. And if you showed up out of nowhere in a place where my presence is known I'd be absolutely upset. You could crawl out of your hole and show your face but can't reply back?
I don't know what I would feel to be completely honest. I don't know if I would be happy or burst into tears at the sight of you. I don't know what I'm feeling. It feels like I've been put into rehab and being stripped of a drug I'm addicted to. A drug that keeps me sane, happy and at peace. I'm literally just a person walking around. Breathing, speaking, existing but not alive. I'm just there. Sitting, thinking, listening to everyone but myself. Watching people be happy. Watching people love, watching people live, watching as my life parishes into nonexistence. A person can't possibly get use to the idea of never being loved. Could they? Cause I can't. Yeah yeah I know, I have time and time ahead of me. I'm so young I just need to wait. But by the time that time comes I won't even care. Because by then I am surely to have given up. A person can only wait for so long. She can only be strong for so long. She can only cry so many just to fall asleep peacefully before she breaks. She can only give her love away so many times before there's no love to give and when there's no love to give and no heart to love it'll be too late

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