The Garden (Canada x Reader)

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You were sat in the back garden reading a book when a familiar face popped up over the wall. It was your neighbour, Mathieu, he had a stupid grin on his face. It was normally his brother grinning like that. Not Mathieu. You glanced up and sighed loudly. You then looked at the book again. He then started whistling to get your attention. You some what shot him a glare as he began sliding his long slender body over the garden wall. You carried on glaring at him as he struggled to manoeuvre his body around the wood slabs that stood in his way. He stuck out his tongue in concentration. It made him ten times cuter. Not that you liked him or anything. He could just be really cute sometimes. So cute that you just wanted to kiss him or something. But you definetely didn't like him. No way in hell you liked Mathieu that way. He finally thudded on the ground only a few feet away from you and laughed. He must be high or something. He rolled over and shuffled towards you with that stupid grin. You rolled your eyes and sighed.
"What do you want?" You whined, you really liked this book and you wanted to finish it.
"I know a secret about you," He giggled as you flinched. A secret? Only your friend Bella knew your secrets. Sneaky cow... You knew she was close to both you and Mathieu but that was not necessary.
"What secret?" You hissed at him.
"That you like me," He giggled slightly but you could tell he wanted to talk about the situation. You had told Bella you didn't like him so many times. She just didn't believe you at all. Just because you think about him all the time and you like the fact he always smells of maple syrup and he's literally the cutest thing on Earth did not mean you liked him. You scoffed at him and stifled a laugh. He raised an eyebrow and shook his head.
"Seriously," He began, "She recorded what you sid about me. I think you're in denial about your feelings for me. But if you're that adamant then I guess you don't need me to be your boyfriend, but you know where I live if you change your mind. After all it is next door."
He got up and walked towards the garden wall again. It wasn't until he said the word boyfriend... That word. It made your feelings apparent to you.
"Hey, boyfriend, wanna read this book with me?" You called out to him. Had you just said that? Okay... This was happening? He grinned at you as he walked back over. He placed you in this lap and read the book aloud to you. You'd pointed out which line you were on so he carried on from there.
"Once, Nicole whispered: 'Stay close to me', as we resumed our parade in the shadowed streets, and a thrill went through me like a jolt as I pulled her close to and said: 'I'll never leave you'. As if we were living a love scene at the Plymouth." His soft words carried across the garden and you smiled happily as he carried on. Thanks Bella, you thought happily.

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