I ran through the lush green forest letting a girlish laugh escape my lips. I maneuvered around the shrubbery trying to run with out tripping, which was not a very usual thing for I was accident prone.

     I gasped as I tripped over a tree root and fell on to my stomach.

    I groaned in pain and tried to push myself off the ground only to be smashed by another person.

    "Ben! Ugh get off." I said struggling to breathe while he stood up quickly.

       Ben started to laugh hysterically as I tried to stand up but failed miserably.

      "Need help?" He offered with a hand. I glared at him as I swatted his hand away. "I can can help myself thank you very much." I snapped.

        He ran a hand through his black shoulder length hair. As he sent me a sheepish smile that made me melt.

       I glared at him playfully. "Your such a jerk." I teased while trying not to smile.

    He rolled his eyes and playfully shoved me to the side as we walked to his house. 

     Finally we got to his house, and by finally I mean finally. We had been walking for hours and I was getting pretty tired and cranky. And Ben knew that for a fact.

     "What's you mom making for dinner? Because I'm starving." I whined while clutching my stomach.

       Ben rolled his eyes. "I don't know, probably something gross cause she can't cook." I gasped, "Ben! That's so mean!"

         He snickered,"She's terrible, you don't get taste her food. She always orders food before you come and just throws it on a plate."

            I raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "why would she do that?" I asked as we approached his front door.

             "I think she is afraid of poisoning you." He said while laughing at his own joke.

              "Your so mean to your mother." I scolded as I gave him a hard glare.

We walked into his house as I was immediately engulfed in a feeling of warmth. I glanced around the homey cabin. A wooden table was in the corner of the room with a vase of freshly picked flowers and pictures of a smiling Ben and his parents looking at the camera.

Pictures of Ben and his parents littered the house along with pictures of me and Ben. I smiled at the familiar home that I greatly wished was mine.

"Shaline! How are you!" Exclaimed Leia excitedly. She gave me a giant hug and squeezed me tight.

"Your gonna pop me like a grape if you squeeze me any tighter." I laughed.

Leia pulled away from the hug and gave me a heart warming smile that would make the evil people in the world melt into a puddle at the sight of it. "It's just so great to see you!" She said happily.

"Where's Han?" I asked as Ben and I helped Leia set the beautiful wooden table. "He's in the back, I'll go tell him that dinners ready."

Ben brushed his black curls out of his face and smiled at me, then he started to laugh hysterically. "What?" I said letting out a small giggle.

"Oh nothing, you just look super dorky." He gave me a cheeky grin. I punched him in the shoulder as he let out a groan.

"Owww." He whined. I rolled me eyes and bit back a smile.

There was no denying the feelings that I felt for him. I just was scared that he didn't feel the same way and then our friendship would be ruined.

"Hello, shai? You Doing okay?" I nodded my head still deep in thought," Yeah I was just thinking..."

Not to late after that Leia came in with Han from the back door. "Shai! How are ya?" Said Han with a grin on his face. "I'm doing great!" I said enthusiastically as he pulled me into a hug.

"Mmm, something smells good. What did you make this time?" I licked my lips as my stomach growled obnoxiously. Ben laughed as he glanced at my stomach. I smiled at him sheepishly as a light blush creeped to my cheeks.

Leia walked in holding a plate with a large roast and different types of vegetables surrounding the roast. My eyes widened at the delicate food and cut into the roast. I pilled veggies onto my plate and started to shove the food into my mouth.

Ben started to laugh loudly as I stuffed my face, filling it up to the brim.
I swallowed my food and gave Ben a glare, practically telling him to shut up.

Of course he saw me glaring at him, but he started laughing harder at the sight of me glaring at him.

"Ow!" Yelped Ben as jumped as if he had been kicked. I glanced across from Ben to see Han giving Ben a nasty look. And if looks could kill he would be 6 feet under.

I smirked and began shoveling more food into my mouth.

        After everyone was done eating we were sitting around and talking. I took a sip of my drink trying not to choke on it from laughing to hard from a joke that Han just told us. I bit my lip trying not to laugh anymore.

        "So," Began Leia," Ben, you know your uncle Luke?" Leia nervously twiddled with her thins as she avoided Bens gaze.

      Why was she acting so strange? "Well, he is starting a new generation of Jedi, and well, I think you should join them."

        Han cleared his throat at wiped his mouth,"They're training on D'Quar..."

        "What!" Ben shouted loudly, I flinched. "Do I even have a say in this?!" He screamed.

         "I think it's for the best that you go." Said Han turning to me. I nodded my head and dropped my napkin in my plate.

           "The dinner was lovely Leia."
I said sending her a reassuring smile.

         "Bye Ben." I whispered to him as I walked past him.
            I thought that was going to be the last time I saw him. Boy how wrong I was.

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