I threw my rucksack on my bed. I started to throw on my clothes into the bag. A tangled mess of clothes messily thrown into the bag was piling up. I slammed my empty drawer shut.

   I toss the bag over my shoulder and walked out of my room closing the door quietly behind me. I walked on the halls appearing calm, that was the exact opposite of what I was feeling.

  I was terrified. I was terrified of many things. Not just one.

I was scared of failing everyone. I was scared of not being able to bring Ben home.

     I walked into the busy control room filled with many resistance fighters running around doing many different tasks. I ran a hand through my snow white hair, and sighed.

   A random resistance fighter ran up to me and shoved a file in my hand. I glanced at her quizzically and raised an eyebrow.

    "This is the map to star killer base." She spoke quickly. The woman looked tired, like she's been working for days. She had bags under her eyes and her brunette hair was tied into a messy bun on top of her head. The woman looked like she would've been beautiful if she wasn't so tired and stressed.

     I shook my head trying to focus on the situation at hand, which is something I was never good at.

     "Alright.... Am I going under cover?" I asked while examining the file that she gave me. "Yes, you are going under cover. Your going to be tricking them into thinking that you want to join the dark side. If it goes as planned then you will be able to talk to Kylo ren and become close to him. From there you will try to convince him to come home."
She explained.

     I nodded my head,"So am I piloting the ship by myself?" I asked.

     "Yes, is that a problem?" She snapped. I glared at the woman,"No it won't. And if your going to talk to be I would be more respectful to your superiors." I quipped.

    "Humph" Whined the  woman as she stomped off. I smirked and walked over to a ship and swung myself in.

    I was not an expert flyer, but I did know how to fly a basic ship. It was required to know that in training. I was probably the worst pilot in my squad. So I'm hoping that I don't crash and die.

     I nervously turned on the ship. The ship alive  hummed quietly as I turned off the safety. The ship flew up and into the atmosphere.

   My breath hitched in my throat as I pulled out the file.

    I downloaded the coordinates and prepared myself for a long while by myself.

     I put my feet on the control pannel  and dozed off.

    I stood up. I was in a beautiful meadow with wild wheat and grass surrounding me in the plain. Surrounded by towering trees that looked like they were touching the sky. I close my eyes as the  warm breeze swept through my hair.

     "Beautiful isn't it?" Said a voice.

  Around to see a beautiful man with shoulder length wavy hair, he had deep chocolate brown eyes that seemed  so familiar. Yet so distant.

   "Don't you remember me shai?" He said smirking at me.

   "Who are you?" I asked taking a cautious step back.

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