Chapter 7
"Murder lives forever, and so does war. Survival of the fittest. Rich against the poor. At the end of the day, it's a human trait. Hidden deep down inside of our DNA" -Savages; Marina And The Diamonds


     I narrowed my eyes evilly at the cocky raven haired man. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

  I scrunched my nose in disgust,"why would I want a picture of you?"

   He rolled his eyes. Kylo preceded to set a glass jar on the metal table that I sat in front of. I sent a dirty look kilos way.

   "I want you to brake this jar."

   I raised an eyebrow at him quizzically. "Ummm, okay."

   I grabbed he jar and tossed it to the floor. "Why did you want me to brake that?" I asked.

    The jar was scattered around the floor, well the jar was now tiny shards of glass.

    "I meant with the force." He said visibly annoyed. I scoffed,"Well you were not very clear about that." He glared at me.

     "I thought I was pretty clear." Said Kylo as he shoved the pieces of glass to the side with his foot casually.

    "Why did you want me to break it? I could have moved it or something." I said stubbornly.

"The dark side is directed from anger, hate, and passion." Replied Kylo, "breaking the jar is to represent the anger and destruction that you would need to cause a large mess."

I set my feet up in the table completely uninterested in the topic. And Kylo could definitely tell, "but the thing is, I felt no anger in that."

Kylo rolled his eyes again, visibly annoyed by my sass," Obviously. But you caused destruction by breaking the jar."

I shrugged my shoulders,"The passion part doesn't sound too bad. Minus the destruction and anger." I mumbled mindlessly.

"Would you pay attention!" Snapped Kylo angrily as he slammed his palm on the table.

Why did this boy have so many anger issues? "Honey, you need to calm down." I stated smartly.

"Well you need to pay attention!" He fumed and tugged at his black waves.


"You don't have to be obnoxious." I said as I picked at my nails knowing that it was going to tick him off. To be honest I enjoyed making him angry because of the fits that he threw. But I was always carful to not be the one that he took his anger out on.

    I was suddenly grabbed and pulled up to see the greatly annoyed face of Kylo ren.

    "Can I help you?" I sassed as I glared into his chocolate brown eyes.

   His face swirled into a mass of confusion and attraction. Which was quite confusing because those two powerful emotions could be completely opposite.

      He smashed his lips in a dominant manner to mine. My heart rushed a thousand miles per hour as I kissed him back.

     I pulled away desperate for air with our foreheads resting gently  against each other's. I smiled softly as I gazed into his eyes.

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