Other People Owe Me Because I Didn't Do Any Work

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Steve Rogers POV
I was headed to the gym so I could switch off with Clint. We let him go and train Will first for 2 reasons.

1)He's Will's uncle, and we aren't but I guess for Natasha it would be that she's not his aunt.

And 2) if he's nervous about it (Will not Clint) then his uncle should be able to calm him down.

As I approached the training room, I heard laughter. I stopped and slowly too a peek outside the door frame to see...

Will. And Clint. Together.

That's all they were doing. Doing archery and laughing like maniacs.

I was thinking I should go and train him but they look like they're having a good time so I'll just leave it.

'You owe me 1 Clint." I thought making my way back towards the elevator.

I know it sucks don't kill me! I had homework.
Anyways hope you like it and please vote.


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