You DO NOT Point A Gun To A Child Of The Death Lord

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Steve Rogers POV
"And then there's also the whole thing on where I can drag you to the deepest parts of hell -killing you instantly of course, unless I desire something different- and keep you there for all entirety just by thinking about it."

One sentence.
That's all it took to send the rest of the team scrambling out of here with various excuses. Currently, (at least I'm pretty sure) Clint and Will were off explaining the situation to the rest of the team. Clint had already explained it me, but I had asked for further knowledge. He said he didn't know anymore, meaning I couldn't either. But, that was until Nico waved him off and told me that he'd elaborate the story a little more. 

I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard a throat clear in format of me.  I looked up at the kid.

'No. Not the kid, Nico. I looked at Nico." I mentally reprimanded myself.

"Sooooo," he trailed off sounding bored. "Do you want more facts or not?" I nodded.

"But first, I have a few questions for you." I said. He raised an eyebrow.

"Just so you know Captain, it doesn't matter how high and mighty you think you are, but I know an interrogation when I see one. And you honestly can't force me to say anything because you don't know if I'm lying or not." He said seriously.

"Ok. 1)I didn't mean for it to sound like that.
2)I meant kinda like icebreaker questions.
And 3)What did you mean by the 'because you don't know if I'm lying or not' thing? Couldn't we just use a lie director on you?" I asked.

"No." He answered.

"Why?" I asked again.

"Because." He said.

"Because why?" I pressed on. Finally he threw up his hands in annoyance and shouted,

"Because! BECAUSE of the freak I am, I can put myself in a death trance and temporally cut my pulse! I mean you can't exactly do a lie detector test on a dead guy can you?!"

By the end of his rant everyone had come back into the room.

Only downside.
Natasha heard his little rant.

And was currently holding a gun to his temple.

And because this entire tower is just cursed, Will chose that moment to walk in. His eyes immediately fell on Nico and Natasha. He summoned a ball of light or whatever it was in his hand. He leaned back to pitch it like a baseball. I chose that moment to interfere. (With my sheild.)

"Ok everyone just calm down." I said calmly. Haha. No one said anything. Will leaned further back, taking aim.

"Let Nico go." He told Natasha. They looked at each other and had a mini glare off. Finally, Natasha huffed in irritation and pushed Nico forward, whilst pocketing the gun. Will clapped his hands together, vanishing the ball of light.

"Thank you." He said seriously. Nat only nodded. Then Nico turned back to me.

"Ok first, I'm sorry for kinda exploding on you, you were just annoying me. And second, you said you had some questions? Care to share?" He asked. I nodded.

"Well really it was only like two questions. One, can you really kill someone just by thinking about it? And two, how do you mentally kill someone?" I asked, curiosity evident I my voice.

"Welllllll," he drawled, boredom taking over his voice one again. "If you don't go really in detail about, yes the basic answer would be I can 'mentally kill people' as you put it. But as for how I do it, I don't really end up killing them. It's complicated." He said, shrugging. A confused look overtook everyone's face. I gestured for him to elaborate.

He sighed and continued.
"Like I said, I don't really kill them. In more of a way, I make them commit suicide using their memories. I can make them see their worst memories and eventually they just die of either grief or they go insane firm the amount of guilt they get. The part that I can alter is the guilt. You see, they can kill all the people they want and never feel anything. Using my power, I can not only make them see their worst memories, but also give them the artificial 'guilt rush' they need to die. But usually I don't need to do that, even with an assassin they usually have the guilt hidden inside of them somewhere, never knowing."

I was shocked. And slightly scared. Yes, the great Captain America was scared of like a 15 year old kid. Not afraid to admit it. But then I remember something else he said in his explanation.

"Wait you said 'But usually I', does that mean you've used this power on people before?" I asked. Will growled at me.

"Of course he's never used that power before-" He started, but was cut off by Nico himself.

"Yes I have used this power before. A few moments before I arrived here actually, I managed to sneak up on this group of people trying get in through the back entrance of this tower. They had this wired symbol on their jackets, but I don't know what it means." He said while holding up a stitched patch.

" He said while holding up a stitched patch

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