Bunnies Cuddling Kittens Aren't Scary

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Will Solace POV
Me and uncle Clint were just goofing off. We were having so much fun just cracking jokes and doing archery. This, right now was premium uncle and nephew bonding time.

And it was all going great.

Until Natasha decided to make an 'entrance'.

I scowled at her presence. She noticed but didn't say anything, she just gave me a warning/dark look.

Pfft, she really thinks she's scary? Shes about as scary as a bunny cuddling a kitten.

Suddenly, Clint burst out laughing and Natasha took a supposed to be threatening step closer towards me. Whoops, did I say that out loud?

As if sensing my thoughts, Natasha said:
"Yes, you did say that out loud."

I snickered, I couldn't really help it though, I was totally right on her being a scary as a bunny cuddling a kitten. She glared me harder. I put my hands up in mock surrender, she huffed with annoyance.

"Hey Nat, I thought MASTER spies were supposed to be able to contain their emotions, especially anger?" I questioned while grinning.

"We are, but we aren't trained on how to handle snot nosed teenage brats." She replied coldly.

"Well it's a good thing there's no snot nosed teenage brats here, just normal blonde, not to mention AWESOME one." I countered.

"You really think your normal?" She questioned.

"Honey, I don't think, I know." I replied so sassily,  that Percy AND Leo would be proud.

"Well, I mean I find it funny on how my own team is afraid of my death glare and yet when you see it you act like you've seen worse."
"I have."
"Oh really? You've seen worst then the worlds top assassin death glare? Because, if so Will, who's or what's death glare is better then mine. Because if you tell us we can neutralize the threat." She replied. I groaned. Not this again.

"Ugh, Natasha don't you have something better to do then question a 16 year old boy on types of death glares?" I said annoyed.

"Yes actually, and that 'better' thing is to train 16 year old boys, specifically you."

"Oh." I replied stupidly. "What are we working on then?" I asked .

"Gymnastics." Was all she said and then walked away. I reluctantly followed her. Once she stopped walking, I saw her stop at a set of un-even bars.

"What are we gonna do?" I asked, while rubbing the back of my neck.

"You are gonna show me what you can do." She said. Well okay then.

I walked a couple feet away from the bars, so that I could have a good running start, then started my 'routine' because to be honest I was just doing whatever trick I was thinking of next. (AN VIDEO ABOVE) By the time I was done, I had barley broken a sweat. I honestly was disappointed that I had to stop, gongs on the real bars was a rush.

I walked over to Natasha. She was staring at me. Then she looked at the bars.
Then at me.
Then at the bars.
Then at me.
Then at the bars.
Finally, she turned to look at me. She looked like she wanted to say something but decided against it and closed her mouth, making her look like a fish.
"How....?" She trailed off.
"The summer camp I go has gymnastics training." I said, a little to quickly. Styx, that defiantly sounded suspicious. She quirked her eyebrows.

"You know what? Never mind. Let's just go on to the next part of training. Gathering Intel from different sources.
When getting Intel, you can get in many different ways or forms. For example, when you want to get Intel, you can do an interrogation, or you can do a recon mission and get it yourself or -and we rarely do this- buy or trade something for the information we need-" She was about to continue, but I put up a hand and cut her off.

"Oh really, that's all you do?" I asked, sarcasm laced into my voice.

"Yes that's all we do, but if you have different ideas on how SHIELD works, then I'd love to hear hear them." She replied.

"Wellllllllll-" I said dragging on my 'Well'.
"It just seems that when a body count goes up and SHIELD is involved, you really begin to wonder if the people they say are dead are even dead at all.
Maybe they aren't, maybe it just SHIELD faking their deaths so they could torture them for 'Intel' as you say, without trouble. Am I right or am I right Natasha." I finish off, crossing my arms.

She took a moment to think before replying.

"Yes Will, we do fake people's deaths and 'torture' them -as you say- for information.
And I swear to God that if you weren't Clint's nephew and if Clint wasn't my best friend, you would be experiencing the same."

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